- Idora update -- Rick, 17:38:29 08/05/01 Sun
A trip to Idora today confirmed that the destruction of the Jack Rabbit is final. Interestingly, the lift hill components are not there. The chain, flywheel, belt, and all other large components of the wheel house are gone. Has any one heard any rumors about them? It didn't register last week, but the flywheel was gone apparently before the coaster was destroyed. The chain however was still in the rubble at that time, but is missing now.
The "little house" in the Wildcat is still standing, as is the Icee stand and the Idora (bingo)/muffin game building and the restroom behind it. The heavy equipment is still on the site so we can assume these buildings will likely fall as well
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MEMORY LANE -- Vanessa Verney-Mussatto, 07:21:53 06/07/02 Fri
Wow, I just was telling my husband about Idora Park and how I used to go there on Sundays with friends and family for the Polka Dances in the Ballroom. Im just crushed that Idora Park isn't here anymore. I just had a daughter and now live in Chicago but I would of loved to have shown her where I spend so much time. I remember riding the Jack Rabbit over and over. I looked at the pictures and almost cried. Its ashame that people do not preserve just landmarks as Idora Park. Im just super depressed its gone. I wish I had more pictures. Thanks for such a nice web site.
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Idora Update 02-04-02 -- Rick, 16:01:49 02/04/02 Mon
A trip to Idora Feb. 3, 2002 showed evidence of some more "clean up" at the site. Most large pieces of debris from the Wildcat had been removed, although a lot of splintered wood and mangled rail is still littering the place both there and in the Jack Rabbit area. The "little house" is now gone as are both concession stands just north of the Wildcat. All that remains standing on property now is the cement block mensroom that was behind the concession stands and the Icee Stand which appears to be dying a slow death due to the weather and vandals. (Some of the boards in the wall were kicked out as were a few concrete blocks in the foundation.)
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- Let's get the carousel back!!!!!!! -- Frank Zanni, 03:25:43 08/06/01 Mon
Where are the heads of our business, civic, and historical people at around here? There is enough big money people around Youngstown to get our carousel back here where it belongs. They should never of let it go, but now the time has come to get it back. It is part of Youngstown's history that can be saved, and it is priceless to this community. It is better to have it up and running at a local Park (Mill Creek or Boardman Park) then being stored in some warehouse in New York City. It is the last thing that remains of Idora (except our memories). How do we get it back? How do we get the people who can make this happen off their dead a**es? Cleveland saved the carousel from Euclid Park and will soon be downtown along the water front.... they did it... why can't we?
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Vindicator needs your comment -- Roger G. Smith, Vindicator staff writer, 09:47:14 07/30/01 Mon
I am a writer at the Vindicator doing a story today about the coasters being demolished. If anybody reading the board today sees this message and is willing to call me, I'd appreciate your comment. I'd need
to hear from you by 4pm today, 7/30. My phone is 330-747-1471 x286.Thanks. Roger G. Smith, staff writer
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- Remains of Idora -- A Friend of the Park, 10:39:10 12/14/01 Fri
It's sad but the place where Idora park was is no more. I would just like to know if anyone knows where some of the old rides are. In the 80's The Idora Limited was at a place called Mckenzie square in Hubbard. Where is the train now? There was a Lost river Boat on the North side of Youngstown, where is that? Anyone know?
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- IDORA PARK VIDEO -- JEFF SEICH 330-966-7135, 18:20:55 04/02/02 Tue
I want to thank all the parties who have been calling, and letting us use photographs, ect (keep it comming) WE ARE STILL ACCEPTING PHOTOS, VIDEOS, FILM AND SLIDES, remember you will recieve a free copy of the production, and all borrowed items will be returned imediately.
Production has commenced and the video is comming along better than expected, if you would like more details please read other messages that I have posted on the board. Production will continue throughout mid august, and should be available by september. Again I would like to thank those who have already taken part in this feature.
Jeff Seich
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wildcat blueprints -- Chris, 20:05:43 06/06/01 Wed
I know I have posted before on the old message boards, but I think I better try again here. Does anyone have a copy (any copy will do) of the wildcat or jack-rabbit blueprints? I would love to be able to see them again if only on paper. I do believe that the wildcat was one of the best built wooden coasters ever made for a lot of reasons, and the jack rabbit was not far behind, either. can anyone help me? would love to hear a respone, especially if someone has the blueprints. who knows, maybe someday someone will even build it - if the plans are still alive, then maybe there is a chance
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- MAY THE GHOSTS OF IDORA REST IN PEACE -- Frank Zanni, 08:37:28 08/01/01 Wed
Now that the Ballroom, Wildcat, and Jack Rabbit are gone forever, may the ghosts that haunt our hearts and minds of Idora Park rest in peace.
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- Idora Park the Musical Auditions, etc. -- Robert Vargo, 15:17:58 05/25/02 Sat
The Youngstown Playhouse will produce a new musical "IDORA PARK" by Angela V. Woodhull, PHD opening on the main stage July 25th for a four weekend run!
A special meeting of all those interested in participating in some shape or form on this fundraiser for The Playhouse should attend the meeting at 7PM on Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at The Youngstown Playhouse - Youngstown, Ohio. This includes collectors, enthusiasts, vendors, collectors and the like.
Auditions for the production will be Tuesday and Wednesday, June 4 & 5 at 7 PM.
Contact the Playhouse for more information;
Director - Robert Vargo
Music Director - Michael J. Moritz
Based on MY IDORA by Angela V. Woodhull PHD.
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Old Hand -- Rich Harker, 11:39:48 04/24/02 Wed
In addition to spending many of younger days visiting Idora Park, I also had the privilege of working there for two summers, 1967 & 1968. The Popcorn Stand, located between the Shooting Gallery and the Merry-Go-Round, was my homestead. Besides popcorn, we made and sold candy apples and carmel corn. I remember my boss, the curly haired, red-faced Duffy, who once asked me if he shouldn't be charging me for the time I spent reading books when business was slow. From a laundry list of wonderful memories, I guess the most exciting was the time I set myself on fire while making candy apples. Ssshhh! Don't tell Duffy...he'll fire me for sure!
I never have nor ever will forget my time at Idora. It was one of my first jobs and, I would say even now, my best. Though it's gone now, just weeds and rust, Idora will always be alive for me...truly a place of the heart.
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- Auto-Rama at the Idora Ballroom -- Warren Bookman, 14:24:41 04/15/02 Mon
I produced AUTO-RAMA at the Idora Ballroom for many years. It was one of the nicest places to produce a custom car show. I meet many great people in the Youngstown area that participated in our event. Those were the fun times. I was sorry to see the park close. The biggest tragedy was the fire that distroyed the ballroom.
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Remembering Idora Park -- YSUFLAGLINE, 10:43:00 04/12/02 Fri
I just wanted to let anyone know how checks this site, that I currently have my sculpture called "Remembering Idora Park" is currently on exhibit in the sutdent show at the McDonough Museum of art on Wick Ave in Youngstown. If you want to see it, check it out. If you can't, or are interested check out my website....
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.coe.ysu.edu/~dsears/myart.htm">http://www.coe.ysu.edu/~dsears/myart.htm</a>
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- NEW!! FAREWELL IDORA VIDEO !!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- JEFF SEICH, 22:11:39 01/14/02 Mon
What can I say the time has come, I currently work as a technical director for a local television show, and currently working on a Hollywood feature to be released on pay per view ect.( we might possibly discuss this)
The past 8 years off and on the church has let me obtain acess to the park to take measurements, video, pics the whole nine yards. until the last year or so ( we wont discuss this )
at any rate I remember standing there in the past realizing that Idora park in leiu of spirit was just as much fun to me now as it was then, and that eventually idora would be completely gone. Sad but true and time has proven.
I am an artist in many forms, and my personal way of dealing with the demise of this once treasured link to the past was to write a script ( short musical feature ). let me tell ya Idora fans you havent seen nothing yet!!! The finished production of the feature, will be aproxamately 23 1/2 min long, loaded with special effects, revolving around the synpnosis of Idoras last ten years, lets not forget the spooky rumors either, maybe this feature can answer some questions for certain people? I have obtained loads of video footage of the park, however I am always looking for additional photographs, video ect, especially the demolition, If you may have any of these items for borrowed use please contact me. All persons allowing the usage of such articles will recieve full credit, and a free copy (vhs or dvd ) you will also have a heads up when the video will be aired ( in North Eastern Ohio only)the date I need to have this edited and in the can will be 3/15/02. I want to thank you for reading my post and hope some of you can help me toast the great place where my creativity was born many years ago!
Jeff Seich
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Kyle Park -- Jason Kyle, 08:29:28 03/11/01 Sun
For a year now, I have been in the process of designing a new theme park for Youngstown. This is going to be the first theme park based on a community. This new proposed park is called: "Keeping Youngstown Living Exciting", or KYLE Park. Kyle Park is divided into five different themed lands that represent the past, present, and future of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley. One of the lands is devoted especially to our beloved Idora Park called "Lost Idora." I have a display at the Austintown Public Library explaining Kyle Park. Kyle Park will be on display at the library until March 31st. I strongly encourage evryone to stop in and take a look at the display. If anyone has any questions or comments about this new park concept, e-mail your response at J.Kylepark@juno.com
Kyle Park is my life long dream and economic improvement plan for Youngstown!
Thank you,
Jason Kyle
Kyle Park Headquarters
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Thanks Kyle, is it possible for you to post any pictures here of your display. I know there are alot of people who no longer live in the Youngstown area who might like to see it but can't get there. Thanks (NT) -- Danette, 18:06:23 03/12/01 Mon
Re: Kyle Park -- christy, 15:06:02 03/18/01 Sun
Re: Kyle Park -- HTS, 08:00:52 05/13/01 Sun
Re: Kyle Park -- Nick, 08:07:28 08/01/01 Wed
Re: Kyle Park -- Kyle Park, 08:03:17 10/04/01 Thu
Re: Kyle Park; theme park designers, senior project managers, jobs, employment, network -- A Basic Service, 12:39:50 01/16/02 Wed
- IDORA VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- JEFF SEICH, 22:20:51 01/14/02 Mon
Contact information:
(In Leiu of the above posting)
Jeff Seich
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- The last of Idora -- a friend of the park, 17:40:41 08/02/01 Thu
On JUly 26th, the church took down the last landmarks of Idora Park. I Convinced my Husband to come there with me for the last time. I felt like I was at a Funeral. There is nothing left. I did however, take alot of pictures for my memories. This is so sad.
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current project -- YSU FLAGLINE, 20:01:56 10/25/01 Thu
I am a student at youngstown state university. I have been inspired by the downfall of Idora Park, a place that was once happy. I have done quite a few art projects reflecting my feelings of the park and i have captured the sadness of the situation. I have done drawings, computer generated artworks, and photography. Now I am expanding my Idora projects into the 3-D form. I am currently in a ceramics class and I am working on a piece that will consist of a carousel horse that is crying. My proffesor thinks it is a wonderful idea, but it needs another element in it to make it relate to Idora more. Anyone got any ideas?
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- Idora Park Album almost complete -- JP, 10:06:25 11/19/01 Mon
Youngstown native, Angelina, the Polka Queen is currently finishing up on her third album, "My Idora Park." The album tells the story of Angelina's childhood experiences as the "Queen of the park."
For more information visit her website:
<A rel=nofollow target=_blank href="www.polkaqueen.com">www.polkaqueen.com</A>
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These memories are soooooo great ! -- Susan E. Coleman, 12:12:54 11/16/01 Fri
Looking back on these memories made me extremely happy, yet it brought tears to my eyes. I can remember when Idora Park was the place to go. As a kid, my friends and I couldn't wait until we had a chance to go. I am sadden to think that the young people of Youngstown will not have the chance to experience such a treasure.
I am now grown and residing in Atlanta, GA, where the culture and history are magnificent. And I have travelled the world, seen countries were the beauty is so breath taking,it makes your spirit soar. But I have yet come across anything that makes me feel as elated as Idora Park did and still does if it's name is mention.
Growing up in Youngstown in the 70's and early 80's was truly a Norman Rockwell's painting in reality and Idora Park help make that happen.
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- GLAD TO HAVE SOME FELLOW IDORA LOVERS -- Stephanie P., 17:50:15 11/03/01 Sat
I happened upon this message board tonite and find myself almost in tears as I see so many others who also have fond memories of Idora Park. There must be thousands of us who were touched by that old place. Right now I'm sitting looking at a print on my wall of the old swimming pool (later kiddie land) where my grandmother worked as a teenager. She met my grandfather at Idora Park. He was part of the crew that built the Wildcat. I now live in Columbus so I wasn't home for the demolition of what was left of the park. I'm sure if I was there I would've been in tears. The last time I was near the park it looked so gloomy that my heart just hurt. So many times we went there for my father's company picnics or our school choir's picnic. It seems like yesterday, but it was 20 years ago! I'm so glad that other people share the memories that I do.
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- I have missed a lot! -- Dave, 21:25:16 10/01/01 Mon
Look at the time, the summer has gone by and it has been some time that I have visited this site. I have read that the Jack Rabbit is being taken down. Sad it will be missed. I am not from the YT area but I had spent many summers at Idora as a child. We were out to Boardman this past weekend I had thought of going to Idora but didn't I am glad now that I didn't. I had last visited the location prior to the Ballroom fire, that is the last thing I want to remember. I had read someone told someone to "get a life" well that is also sad. Life is what you make of it. Take advantage of the parks we have, and make memories for you and your family for the years to come. In todays world we all need something to hold on to. Take care and GBA
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Update -- Rick, 04:44:59 09/10/01 Mon
A trip to Idora this weekend (Early Sept.) showed that there has been some clean up of the Jack Rabbit rubble. About 80% of the wood and rail have been removed. The Wildcat rubble has been untouched.
Still standing is the Wildcat's "little house", the bingo building, and the Icee stand, all deteriorating rapidly.
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Laffin' Lena Is Alive And Well! -- Rick, 16:05:56 08/13/01 Mon
Laffin' Lena is alive and well and living in Michigan. At a National Amusement Park Historical Society this weekend I was pleased to learn from a fellow NAPHA and Darkride And Funhouse Enthusiasts(DAFE)member that he was the one that bought Lena (Laughing Sal for the older park veterans)at the Idora auction. I hope to be able to get photos of her to post on the web site in the future.
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Thanks for the memories! -- Carolyn Rhinehart, 21:39:56 08/07/01 Tue
I remember being a small child and being scared to ride the Jack Rabbit - I was hooked for life! Then the Wild Cat - I held on for dear life - but it was soooo worth it! Our little hometown Idora Park was everything to a little girl like me. I was from Mineral Ridge - small town was too big a term! Now I live in Chandler, AZ. I got back from a 3 week roller coaster vacation to Ohio - I was that little girl again! I showed my husband where Idora Park was, we went to Conneaut and rode the Blue Streak over & over. I had never been there before - I loved it. Then on to Cedar Point - I was there at 11 and wasn't tall enough to ride any "big coasters" - but I made up for it!! Then on to Kennywood, first time and we really enjoyed the small park setting. I'll never forget Idora Park and the lifelong love affair of roller coasters it gave me. So much emotion in so little time. Thanks for the memories!!
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- Virus Warning -- Danette, 23:09:37 08/02/01 Thu
I have recieved 3 emails in 3 different accounts (one of them the idora park one) that said one of the following.....
I send you this file in order to have your advice
I hope you like the file that I sendo you
I hope you can help me with this file that I send
This is the file with the information you ask for
I did NOT open the attachments (luckily)...this is a self replecating virus(so don't open the attachment even if you know the person)....you can go to this official site and read about it....
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-22.html">http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-22.html</a>
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- Reminder -- Danette, 19:51:17 08/02/01 Thu
Lets try to remember this is an IDORA PARK message board, not a debate board about the downfalls and pitfalls of Youngstown.........Also please don't embarrass
yourself by taking the time to post a message to tell others posting here to "get a life"...thanks
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Blue Streak Challenge -- Kelly, 06:05:31 08/02/01 Thu
I refuse to let history repeat itself! Eight hardy souls climbed aboard the Blue Streak at Conneaut Lake Park last Monday morning for a 12 hour 'jaunt'. We managed 192 rides and raised almost $3,500! This money will be used for maintenance and repair of this historic Vettel coaster. My memories of Idora Park are the reasons behind Friends of Conneaut Lake Park. CLP is doing very well this year, but what about next year and the year after that? I want to be able to take my grandchildren there someday. PLEASE, show your support of these traditional parks before it's too late!
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- don't let history repeat itself -- David Bresko, 21:31:07 08/01/01 Wed
Like so much in the history of Youngstown Idora was a survivor for many years as a "family" business. Then after the coaster fire it still stood proud. Until the last fatal blow of the backhoe this past week that leveled the remaining structures it was a reminder of Youngstown as it was... NOW lets not let history repeat itself Conneaut shares kinship with Idora as a small park. Lets put an effort into keeping it running and HOPEFULLY they can repay the favor by bringing some of Idoras history back to the area since it can't come home anymore. Please don't let history of Idora repeat itself............
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- Why Remember this old park....Whats so important -- Judy Bresko, 10:37:28 08/01/01 Wed
First off why remember this little amusement park? I'll tell you why Idora Park will live on in my heart and many other hearts in this community.. I was born and raised in Youngstown and still live on the upper southside.. at the time the park was open I lived within walking distance and spent nearly all summer in and out of that turnstile. Can anyone remember the company picnics (almost one every week end you could go to) or how about meeting friends outside of the Lost River, or how about first dates and last dates at the saloon.. How much of your stuff was lost under the coasters? I'm sure alot of mine is in that rubble. This old park was actually started for no other reason then to bring passengers on the trolleys to the southside... Correct me if I'm wrong but that little park out lived the trolleys...As a child I remember going to Kennywood and thinking ours is better then yours.. When the Park caught fire in 1984 -I was a senior in High School and we had planned on having our class day there.. Guess what we still did. Many tears flowed that day but we still enjoyed the part of the park that had not burnt. Whats so important about remembering this old Idora Park.. Many Youngstowners for many years grew up there having good times and bad. I have a 10 year old and a 4 year old who can never know the fun and exilleration of a day at IDORA.. History must always be remembered for the good and the bad... How many people actually lost their lives at our park not that many I know of 1 - who drowned years ago when there was a pool. We must remember the sound of the Wildcat climbing the hill or the Lion asking for trash or the sounds of the LostRiver. But most of all remember the sounds of you and your friends making plans to meet at the hot spot in town.. That was right in everyones back yard. This is why Idora is so important because it was so important.. and in alot of hearts always will be.. REMEMBER THE GOOD TIMES, DON'T LOOSE THE MEMORIES.. LET YOUR CHILDREN KNOW WHAT FUN YOU HAD AND LET THEM UNDERSTAND SIX FLAGS DIDN'T EXIST AND YOU DIDN'T CARE..
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A PETITION TO SAVE THE JACKRABBIT -- Kirby, 10:33:43 04/18/01 Wed
Hi All!
My name is Kirby. I own the website woodencoaster.com. I am holding a petition to save the beautiful Idora Park Jackrabbit. This petition can be viewed at <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.woodencoaster.com/petition">http://www.woodencoaster.com/petition</a> . We can save the Jackrabbit! Don't let them fool you, it's NOT a lost cause!
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Goodbye Idora, goodbye! -- Rick, 15:26:03 07/27/01 Fri
Not long ago crowds gathered to pay there respects as fireman doused the burning embers of Idoras ballroom. They managed to "save" the Jack Rabbit from destruction.
Today there was no crowd to pay their last respects as both the Wildcat and Jack Rabbit lay splitered on the ground.
As of this afternoon The Wildcat is no longer "standing but not operating". It is gone. Ironically, for 14 years the Wildcat stood with one fourth of its track missing. Today, the Jack Rabbit has one fourth of its track standing. All that remains is the dogleg towards the turnaround, that is where the coaster turned left, down the side street. The turn around and a few hills stand... today. Tomorrow it will be gone as well.
An odd thing happened while I was walking towards the Wildcat, near the old Jungle River ride area. Drum beats! Much like the rhytme heard when the ride was operating. Someone was playing bongos in nearby Mill Creek Park. Strangely fitting; requiem for a lost amusement park.
For some reason the little house in the turnaround area of the Wildcat stills stands. The corn dog concession next to the Wildcat was demolished while its parnter the bingo/muffin pan game was spared today. The Icee stand also remains.
I suspect that by tomorrow there will be no structures standing at Idora.
Note to souvenir hunters- The coaster are truly splintered and a dangerous place to try to walk around. Rotten wood and rusty nails are everywhere.
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Idora's Band Organ -- Kelly, 09:52:41 07/29/01 Sun
Make plans to get to Conneaut Lake Park August 8th! Idora Park Museum Committee has made arrangements with DeBence Antique Music World to have Idora's band organ on display in front of the Beach Club! Relive the memories at Conneaut Lake Park!
Idora Park Museum Committee
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://IdoraParkIPMC.tripod.com/">http://IdoraParkIPMC.tripod.com/</a>
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Idora is gone -- YSU FlAGLINE, 12:09:58 07/27/01 Fri
On Aug.26, 2001 they demolishe what was left of idora park. I am very sad. I am greatgul that I discovered the park when I did. And even though I never knew what the park was like when it was in operation, I have my memories of what it was like when I visited to take pictures. I will always have those pictures to remind me. I can't beleive they can just destroy history like that.
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- Concerts at Idora Park Ballroom -- Chris Middleton, 13:15:53 04/29/01 Sun
Im interested to know if anyone went to see the Michael Stanley band when they played at Idora Park. I am very curious to get info about it. If you did, please email me at cmiddleton@neo.rr.com
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- my song about "Idora" -- BILLY D, 09:24:33 06/04/01 Mon
Hi everybody...I worked in "Kiddyland" a few seasons during the late 60's. I became a musician/songwriter and lived in Corpus Christi Texas for 20 years. when I came back to live in youngstown in 1990 I was overwhelmed by the economic catastrophe of Youngstown and especially Idora..so I wrote a song about those feelings, I invite you all to visit my MP3 page and hear it for yourself,,its about the Idora that is now and the bittersweet feelings that comes with that once magical,enchanting place..the song is titled "IDORA" (naturally) and you can find it at.......
mp3.com - billy d or
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.mp3.com/Billy71177">http://www.mp3.com/Billy71177</a>
thank you all for keeping those memories alive
and your opinions are VERY welcome .
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- Welcome to the new message board -- Danette, 15:04:13 02/25/01 Sun
Due to Inside The Webs announcement that they will be shutting down all message boards as of March 5, I have moved the message forum here, you will see that this works pretty much the same as the old one. Please feel free to start posting here, the old board is still available for reading only, so please do not post there. Thanks!!!
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- "Idora Park tape" -- Ralph Wagner, 20:49:28 05/28/01 Mon
Idora Park Video Tape,72 minute long. 400! count them 400 photos(including shots of the rest rooms and the mustard and ketchup).TONS of movie footage. A not to be belived production, no filler or tape streatching. A FREE ACTUAL TICKET form Idora with each tape!!!!!! Accept no cheap imitations!!!!! THOUSANDS SOLD!!!!! ONLY Twenty bucks no shipping and handling ripp off. ED C LEARNER 1200 PORTAGE CUYAHOGA FALLS 44223 phone 330 9293160
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Idora Park and Marion McCabe -- Judy Fillio, 03:42:22 05/25/01 Fri
I grew up listening to wonderful stories about Idora Park and dances attended in its ballroom by my mother, Marion McCabe, who is now 80 years old.
The church who owns the park has done a disservice to the community by not restoring and/or selling the park to those who desire its redevelopment.
I am trying to find anyone who might have known my mother. She grew up in Youngstown, near the Boardman line, in St. Dominic's parish, and attended grade school there in the late 20's and early 30's. I'd also like to contact her best friend, Louise Clark, who's father Thomas retired from the Vindicator. He passed away in 1975 - the family's last known address being on Brookline.
Please contact me if you know anything about Louise Clark or if you knew my mother, Marion McCabe. It's time to reunite these two childhood friends.
Thank you.
Judy Fillio
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Can I Visit? -- Lisa, 12:38:30 04/15/01 Sun
I have never been to Idora, but have become obsessed with learning more about it. I will be headed to NY next month, and thought about possibly stopping by the Park. It would be a couple hours out of my way, but I wondered how much of it is available to see if I decide to visit. Is it all fenced off? How close can you get? Is it one of those things where you have to worry about getting into trouble if people catch you? I would also be interested in directions of how to get there. Anyone been lately?
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- idora park -- christy steele, 12:30:58 04/03/01 Tue
an article in the warren tribune today has stated that the church people have been granted another extension of 10 days for the clean-up of the ballroom mess. they also said that the two remaining coasters will be demolished sometime this year. if anyone is interested in saving the coasters they can dismantle them and take them; says the church.
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idora park -- christy, 11:10:28 03/24/01 Sat
someone please save the jack rabbit before its too late!!!
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Recent Fire to Ballroom -- Tim Bentz, 00:03:40 03/17/01 Sat
I was sadden to hear about the recent fire at Idora Park. I have just recently discovered the Idora Park website and saved it as one of my favorite sites. I use to drive past it many times on my way home from work from The Vindicator.
Since I moved to the Tampa Bay area a few years ago, I still have fond memories of the many good times at Idora in my younger days. Family outings for the day, a date, (best place in the world to take your first date) and of course company picnics. I still remember when the ran the Jackrabbit backwards toward the final days. Like to see them do that on these new steel rollercoasters they have today. Nothing beats the sounds and sensations of a good old fashion wooden coaster.
I would love to see Mt Calvary give up their ownership of the park and give it back to the city. The people desire the right to rebuild and run the best amusement park in Ohio, again. As the old saying goes, "What goes around, comes around", just like many of the rides that I knew as a child growing up.
Keep up the good work on the website, its terrific.
PS: Just one small thing, you might want to check the links on the photo page. I click on some of the links and got an error message saying page unavailable.
Tim Bentz
Hudson, Florida
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Idora Park's Historic Ballroom is in flames~!! -- Tara, 08:18:31 03/05/01 Mon
IDora Park's Historical Ballroom which holds a very valuable piano played by Frank Sanatra is engulfed in flames~!
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- So, any new news? -- Danette, 19:58:39 03/13/01 Tue
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Yet another request.... -- Danette, 17:13:21 03/09/01 Fri
HI, just want to ask one more small favor of you all. With todays closing of ITW, and last weeks closing of Driveway.com (a file storage place) and the discontinuation of ZYWeb (the place where I made the above banners) to offer free service, I would like to ask you all to please remember to click the sponser ads on this message board and most importantly on the web page. You do not need to stay and read their ads, just as long as you click on it and then click your back button to return. I have always feared that within a few years nothing will be free on the internet anymore. If for some reason free web space providers quit offering free space I wouldn't be able to keep the page up, as it takes up a huge amounts of MB's since it is such a heavily graphiced page.
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The Fire -- Chris, 19:10:12 03/07/01 Wed
I can't believe the ballroom burned down. The whole thing about what has happened to that park just leaves a sick feeling in my stomach. But i guess i am luckier than most. From the time i was 14 for 4 summers i had the opportunity to work at the park. I actually did a lot of growing up there. I have sooo many wonderful memories of those wonderful days..can still hear the wildcat running and the sounds of the lost river. My last year there i ran the Yo-Yo, i think that was 1982. I can;t believe i never brought a camera to the park i did, however, make a cassette one day just of the bunch of us goofing off--wish i could find it though. Well it looks like the park has finally gone to it's resting place...and i will always hold close to my heart all of the wonderful memories and friends i made while working there. Take Care all
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Last Goodbyes -- Rick, 18:37:54 03/07/01 Wed
After photographing what was left of the ballroom, I took what may be my last walk around the park saying my last goodbyes. These were my observations.
The Jack Rabbit was untouched by the fire. Both it and Wild Cat still stand in their deteriorated state. Rumor has it that both are slated for destruction soon.
The two concessions stands north of the Wildcat are still standing. The French Fry stand, the kiddy coaster, and the bathhouse have been leveled and cleared. The picnic pavillions have met the same fate.
The Icee Stand still remains.
A friend in the construction industry informed me that a trade newletter recently announced that construction of a new building (for the church that owns the property) was slated to break ground in the near future.
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- A request -- Danette, 15:32:53 03/06/01 Tue
Hi, if there were any pictures in the newspapers down there, if someone could scan them and send them to me for the page I would greatly appreciate it.
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Fire update -- Rick, 15:20:38 03/05/01 Mon
Fire has destroyed the Idora park ballroom leaving only a
smoldering foundation and its 90 year old steel beams bent into grotesque shapes. The fire reportedly started in the basement and was suspicious in nature. (No electricity or gas was being supplied to the building.)
Firefighters poured water on the Jack Rabit roller coaster
which escaped without any visible damage at all, saving it to meet its date with the wrecking ball at a later time.
It is ironic that the doomed Jack Rabbit out lived the ballroom which many hoped to save.
Many old time park goers,including one married couple that met while roller skating in the ballroom sixty years ago, watched as their memories went up in smoke, .
This was the third major fire at the park in recent years and it destroy the last salvagable building on the property.
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Good Luck! -- Darkride and Funhouse Enthusiasts, 08:34:57 03/04/01 Sun
Danette, Good luck with the new message board and new website domain. We know that you will continue to improve the site with the quality that you are know for.
The "Daffy" staff of DAFE.ORG
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It Bother's Me -- Sara P., 15:12:58 03/05/01 Mon
My name is Sara and I'm 18 yrs. old.I believe in preserving history.It kills me that the church, who owns Idora, won't turn it over to the Historical Society.Each day the wood is rotting more and each day we are losing more of our valley's history.Why can't anyone do something to save what is left of the Park? If there is no action soon..the park is soon to be gone.I don't want to lose another piece of our past.
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For news on the fire -- Danette, 14:32:25 03/05/01 Mon
Please go to the front page of my website and there is a link at the very top of the page to a news site with more info and some pics.
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.idorapark.net">Click Here For The Link</a>
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