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Date Posted: 18:08:07 07/23/24 Tue
Author: JeffsFort (sad)
Subject: So sad...
In reply to: Magnus 's message, "I just found out. I can't believe he's gone." on 08:57:17 07/23/24 Tue

Hi Magnus,

I've spent so much time behind the curtain supporting his projects that I do feel I know one thing about him for absolute certain. He knew. Not even like I feel he would have known it but 'he knew'. And I'd be willing to bet that he is still watching over all those projects, which includes this forum, and now he knows the whole story.

Over the years so many people make small dents in the car we traverse life in. Just like a real car, those marks forever change it's appearance and in turn, help to shape us in our world. You did that for him and back when you were the most active was when you both needed that the most. Not only do I feel he shared that love, but I have so many examples of when he displayed that love to us all. Those examples are right here with us, and something we are working hard to keep alive.

I'm so sorry you found out this way but in us all is every ounce of love he had for us. With that as our fuel, we are pushing to keep everything Comicality built alive and well. You're here now, and I believe that he knows as well because for all the love he invested in us, he took an equal amount from us with him when he left. So as long as we are all still here, that part of him, the BEST part of him, lives on and that connection, that very real connection, can never be broken.


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