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Date Posted: 11:22:39 11/27/23 Mon
Author: Comicality
Subject: ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~

This week’s 3M selection was quite the surprise, and just as creepy as you would ever hope that it could be!

”Talk To Me"


I never, in my wildest dreams, would have thought that the hilarious crew behind the Youtube ‘Racka Racka’ videos would have eventually evolved to the point of making one of the creepiest internationally released horror movies of the whole year! And yet, here we are!

There’s just something that’s fundamentally unsettling about this movie in general, to be honest….and it seems to touch a nerve deep down that you can’t quite explain, but it sticks with you, regardless. The movie is about a dark ritual that causes a temporary possession by the spirits that lie just beyond the limits of our physical world. And what do we use this for? We have a group of college kids making a game out of the evil practice and using it to basically get ‘high’! Hehehehe, like you didn’t see THAT coming! :P

However, when a young woman and a couple of her friends take things a bit too far...they find themselves dealing with an evil power that refuses to let go of them! And our creepy movie begins to unravel from there! A very cool surprise, and definitely worth a look! So check it out, and have yourselves good time. ::Nods:: Hehehe! >:)

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