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Sorry to say that I'm feeling a bit sick at the moment, but I'm so used to being ill every couple of weeks that it barely gets me down anymore. I guess it just is what it is. ::Shrugs::
BUT...I've been writing so much over the past few weeks, that I'm still close to being on schedule! So all of that hard work isn't going to waste. :P
So check back in an hour or two for the stories to continue while I get myself back in working order. Cool? And more emails are going out tomorrow! Promise! And I love you lots!
Also, hehehe, I got a Christmas pressent as a donation to the account! And that was super awesome! So thank you so much! And a couple of you asked what I might want for Christmas so they can help out! Hehehe, well...I want what I wanted from you guys EVERY Christmas! And it's free! ::Giggles:: So yeah, bring me that!
LOL! Just wanted to feel silly for a little bit! Makes me feel good! Mwah! I'll be back in a day or two when I feel better...
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