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Date Posted: 15:52:01 01/17/25 Fri
Author: JeffsFort
Subject: Here's Mine
In reply to: JeffsFort 's message, "IMAGINE Magazine Question for 2/15" on 17:46:12 01/16/25 Thu

For this one, I think I'm gonna look back a little. (All right, a lot actually ::grin::) Back to when I began to realize that my obsession with a few celebrities was actually a crush. Back in the late 70's early 80's, I really began to let my imagination run a little wild with a few i sort of idolized. I remember watching episodes of Battlestar Galactica when I was like 8, hoping that Boxey (Noah Hathaway) and Muffet would be in the episode and secretly wishing I could be him, or watching the Brady Bunch and wishing I could have been one of the Brady boys. Even realized I was beginning to transition away from wishing I was them to wanting to be with them. My home situation was pretty bad when I was a pre-teen so for me it was an escape. Then the 80's hit and actors started grabbing my attention physically like Ricky Schroeder, Joey Lawrence, Barret Oliver, Jason Bateman... The list goes on. But looking back, there was one who carried me through the "I want to be him." to "I wish he was here." times without a pause in between. That would be Henry Thomas.

Being only one year younger than I am, it's easy for me to rewatch something he was in and remember exactly how I felt when I would be glued to the screen any time he was on it. Because things were bad in my house, I realized I was trying to lose myself in the worlds he was creating and to this day, through those same works, I remember that feeling. By the time the movie "Cloak & Dagger" popped up on cable, I had really crossed a line in my realization that it was in fact a crush and I wanted to be in his world, not my own. I saved all the advertisements for the movie, grabbed whatever magazine articles I could find with his picture on it, even recorded the audio to the movie with this cheap cassette recorder (we didn't have a VCR yet) by sitting it next to the TV speaker so I could listen and play his image back in my mind whenever I wanted to. It was an escape in a time when I needed one. I couldn't tell you how many tears he shed on screen that led to my own, or how many times I've sat on the edge of my seat waiting to see what was coming next. I've payed attention throughout his career and am so happy he is still acting and to this day, my crush has kind of morphed into a very deep respect and admiration. I know if I ever got to meet him, I'd need to thank him for the impact his acting had on my life in all the forms it took. Because of him, my "Bravory Branch" never broke and back then, I really needed all the help I could get with that. (He might still get that reference, LOL!) Yes he was cute and I was a gay kid his age imagining the unimaginable with him (lol) but as cute as he was, I found so much more in his work that helped me get through everything else. May not have been the best coping mechanism but, it worked when nothing else could.

There have been quite a few crushes over the years but, I think Henry Thomas to me is and always will be the most meaningful. 

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  • I can't just pick one. -- J.T. Turtle, 12:22:05 01/21/25 Tue

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