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Date Posted: 12:22:05 01/21/25 Tue
Author: J.T. Turtle
Subject: I can't just pick one.
In reply to: JeffsFort 's message, "IMAGINE Magazine Question for 2/15" on 17:46:12 01/16/25 Thu

My first celebrity crush, that I recognized as a crush, was Joseph Mazzello. Seeing him in Jurassic Park, for whatever reason, just struck a chord. Perhaps it was the scene where we got an upward angle up his shorts, or perhaps it was because it took place in such a crazy world, where for the first time special effects made me believe what I was seeing could be real, or a combination of both, but seeing him in that movie really brought something out in me that I wasn't consciously aware of before.

I'm sure we've all had the feeling: the realization that we find a boy sexually attractive, and for me it was specifically a boy. There was no question in my mind. Not an old, hairy man, but a boy, and I knew, despite not being able to verbalize it, that what my feelings were had to remain secret. How secret they were, I don't really know for sure, but I can tell you for certain that I spent much of my time trying with all my heart to find other movies with Joseph Mazello in it. By accident, I found "The River Wild" and saw him in a wet suit, "The Cure" where I saw him die, and "Star Kid" where I saw him become a superhero! And then, like myself, he got older, and we parted ways.

My next big crush didn't come until in my late teens and had a steady connection to the Internet. That crush was Chase Ellison. My first exposure to him was pictures, or perhaps screenshots? I had no idea he was an actor, until I saw him in "End of Spear". When I made the connection, I obsessed over finding more of him, until suddenly I could download whole movies on Limewire and I found him just by searching his name. "Mysterious Skin", "Wristcutters", "Quake", and so much more! Ask anyone who remembers me from the 2005-2010 era. I had an unhealthy obsession with him.

An honorary mention goes to Logan Lerman, who I first say shirtless in "Butterfly Effect" and fell in love with in the show "Jack and Bobby".

Strangely, my next BIG crush didn't arrive until some years later. A boy by the name of Gabriel Bateman. This was the first HUGE crush I've had where my love for boys crossed with my love for horror in a dramatic way, and so became the birth of mine and Comsie's "Boy Horror". You've likely seen him in the show "Stalker" and "Outcast" and "American Gothic, or movies like "Lights Out" and "Child's Play", but pretty much all of you would have seen him in the music video "Wolfie's Just Fine - A New Beginning", where he's wearing the most wonderful butt-revealing sweatpants, and shows the most perfect assortment of facial expressions.

Alas, all of these boys have now grown, and I patiently await my next BIG boy crush. I think being who we are, or at least a good portion of us, it's important to find a celebrity boy who you find extra special. Even though in a few short years, that boy will age out, if you're not allowing yourself to feel these big emotions, you end up getting all gross and bitter and miserable. *Glares at Matt*. Not pointing any fingers or anything. :P

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