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Subject: Can I stop paying maintenance fee?

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Date Posted: Sat, May 21 2005, 0:28:54
In reply to: Ian Ng 's message, "Can I stop paying maintenance fee?" on Wed, May 18 2005, 18:32:17

it depends
how long since u last heard from hcap?
there's something called the limitation act
general rule is 6 years
did u sign up with eri?
can try writing in to eri officially
or try CASE
not likely that u will be sued, but the risk has to be taken by you

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[> [> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee?

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Date Posted: Tue, May 31 2005, 11:40:52

Hi, I signed up with eri since yr 2002. Till now, I have never used the week. I was cheated to sign up. But at that time there was no so called "cold period" so I did nothing but hope to sold off via site. Too bad, it is not what I thought of. Endup I was "cheated" to pay additional 1k in order ot ads my timeshare.

Now, I was approached by LGM to sign up their cash-back plan. I was told by LGM that if we stopped paying maintenance fees, then the developer (Hcap) will be sent us "warning" letter till they suspend our account. But they did not stop there. They will ask Collection Company to collect on yr behalf and sent legal letter to sue against us if we dont pay the outstanding. I have read from forum that HCAP did that.

Seriously, I dont mind to forgo my membership which I have fully paid for $18,800, all i want is to forget the future harassment. How can I ensure this issue is address one and for all?

Hope to have yr advice.
Please write to me at hellopal69@hotmail.com

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee?

Shin Bet
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Date Posted: Fri, Mar 17 2006, 14:51:16

Yes of course you can stop paying the maintenance fee as long as you don't mind not getting the exchange within the RCI resorts and hotels.(Are you aware of this?)

The problem with this company, LGM is that the one who is chasing you to pay for the maintenance fee is no other than LGM themselves. They are the one collecting the maintenance fee from you. These so-called maintenance fee do not even get to the developer. The developer will not harass you to pay the maintenance fee. If you don't pay you can't use thats all. Think about it, you have already paid the membership.If you don't pay the maintenance it is against your favour not the developer.

LGM is only a marketer for the product. They do not own any properties, so how can they be asking you to pay the maintenance fee of the properties that do not belong to them in the first place. For your case they cannot force you to pay the maintenance fee. If you really know how timesharing works you can ignore the threatening letters from LGM....they cannot do anything. They are using these tactics to get you to pay the maintenance fee which end up in their own pocket probably. Have you tried booking holidays thru them? See whether you can get what you ask for?

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