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Subject: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: Ian Ng | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: Wed, May 18 2005, 18:32:17 Hello, I owned a timeshare week with HCAP and would like to terminate the membership and stop paying the maintenance fee. I am willing to write off the $10K I have paid. Anyone has any experience in this to share? I was told I could be sued if I do not pay the maintenance fee. Is this true? [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
[> Subject: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: sgwatchdog [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Sat, May 21 2005, 0:28:54 it depends how long since u last heard from hcap? there's something called the limitation act general rule is 6 years did u sign up with eri? can try writing in to eri officially or try CASE not likely that u will be sued, but the risk has to be taken by you [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: Tony [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Tue, May 31 2005, 11:40:52 Hi, I signed up with eri since yr 2002. Till now, I have never used the week. I was cheated to sign up. But at that time there was no so called "cold period" so I did nothing but hope to sold off via site. Too bad, it is not what I thought of. Endup I was "cheated" to pay additional 1k in order ot ads my timeshare. Now, I was approached by LGM to sign up their cash-back plan. I was told by LGM that if we stopped paying maintenance fees, then the developer (Hcap) will be sent us "warning" letter till they suspend our account. But they did not stop there. They will ask Collection Company to collect on yr behalf and sent legal letter to sue against us if we dont pay the outstanding. I have read from forum that HCAP did that. Seriously, I dont mind to forgo my membership which I have fully paid for $18,800, all i want is to forget the future harassment. How can I ensure this issue is address one and for all? Hope to have yr advice. Please write to me at [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: Shin Bet [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Fri, Mar 17 2006, 14:51:16 Yes of course you can stop paying the maintenance fee as long as you don't mind not getting the exchange within the RCI resorts and hotels.(Are you aware of this?) The problem with this company, LGM is that the one who is chasing you to pay for the maintenance fee is no other than LGM themselves. They are the one collecting the maintenance fee from you. These so-called maintenance fee do not even get to the developer. The developer will not harass you to pay the maintenance fee. If you don't pay you can't use thats all. Think about it, you have already paid the membership.If you don't pay the maintenance it is against your favour not the developer. LGM is only a marketer for the product. They do not own any properties, so how can they be asking you to pay the maintenance fee of the properties that do not belong to them in the first place. For your case they cannot force you to pay the maintenance fee. If you really know how timesharing works you can ignore the threatening letters from LGM....they cannot do anything. They are using these tactics to get you to pay the maintenance fee which end up in their own pocket probably. Have you tried booking holidays thru them? See whether you can get what you ask for? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: George [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Sat, May 21 2005, 0:41:08 If u are willing to forgo your membership and have fully paid up for it then there is absolutely no reason why u should continue to pay the maintenance fees. If a company insist that you pay the maintenance fees despite your intention to forgo your already paid-up membership then ask them to give u an official letter insisting you pay. Let me know and i will tell u what to do. Free advice and assistance will be given to you. These bastards must be taught a lesson! [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: Alan [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Fri, Apr 07 2006, 12:37:51 George, I have a fully paid for timeshare with American Resorts International Holiday Network. I'm sick of this company and quit paying the maintenance fee hoping they would just stop my membership. They sent me a letter from a collection agency this week. According to the document they gave me, Article VI section 5, if I don't keep my fees up to date it just states I lose my rights and priviledges as a member and all monies I paid for the thing. I can live with that, I just want to forget about it. Can they do anything? I'm worried about my credit rating more than anything. Thanks, Alan [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: Carrie [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Sat, May 21 2005, 15:17:40 You no need to pay maintenance fee if you wish to stop using timeshare.No one can sue you, who told you that you will be sued? Do not believe them. Do not forge out any money for the cancellation of your timeshare. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> Subject: RE: | |
Author: Ian Ng [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Mon, May 23 2005, 12:05:41 Thanks for all your replies and answers. I have been paying the maintenance fees for so many years and use the timeshare resort only once. Though HCAP sent newsletter every quarterly, their fees seem to keep going up. Coupled with appreciation of aussie dollar, the fee has doubled since I bought. Some of those resales companies told me membership can only be transferred and cannot be terminated and would be sued by the timeshare resort if I do them. LGM even showed me a lawyer letter from a resort to one of the victim who did just that. Of course I did not seek their "service" as I am not comfortable with the notion of paying money before any sale is done. I will sent them a letter notifying the termination of the membership and give up my holiday week. Thanks everyone. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: Mr Lee [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Thu, Jun 02 2005, 4:10:54 Is there anything in the contract that we have signed states that we "must" pay the maintenance fee or face possible legal suit? I carefully read through my own contract that i have signed but there isn't any statement saying that legal action will be taken if maintenance fee is not paid. Anyone care to comment on this? I am prepare to forgo mine since i don't use it and write it off as bad debt. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: kk [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Wed, Jun 15 2005, 21:57:29 me also being cheated 4 years ago, feeling so troubled because of the stupid monthly installment for something which i am not using. i have terminated my giro with them but have not sent a termination request to them yet, any idea whether this will work? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? End of Problem | |
Author: Ian Ng [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Tue, Sep 27 2005, 0:15:32 Hello After dropping a note to the timeshare resort, they have just informed me that my membership is terminated. Seem to me like end of headache and a new beginning. Look pretty easy, unlike some of my friends who received stern warning letters from their resorts. Probably the difference is I sent a termination notice in early advance, while they just go missing and let their fees lapse. Just my experience for your reference. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: Gord Schaeffer [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Thu, Oct 13 2005, 14:02:11 In resorts in Canada that I am familiar with, the developer will certainly forclose after about a year without legal pursuit.The legal costs are to high to make it worthwhile. Something that must be considered from their point of view is that those fees are generally directed to the upkeep, maintenance and future stability and condition of the development. If we don't pay they must. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: upset [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Fri, Dec 09 2005, 23:53:34 What about subscription fee? I have already paid the membership fee.. But the subscription is yearly... WIll I face legal action if I dun pay for it? Anyone knows ? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: Jay [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Sat, Dec 10 2005, 12:41:54 Dear all If you do not wish to continue the membership, you can just stop the payment and your membership will be terminated automatically. companies that claim you cannot stop paying maintenance fee is just trying to create fear on you and make you join them. As most Timeshare product in singapore only entitle you to "right to use", you will only lose the right to use. Subscription fee as it is call, is not a "must" pay thing. failure to pay your subscription will only result in losing the service of the subscripted company. PLease do not fear... you can stop paying maintenance fee anytime if you are ready to forego the membership. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: George [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Tue, Dec 13 2005, 22:48:28 There is no such thing as u have to pay Maintenance Fees for life. The only thing that can happen if you don't pay your maintenance fees (provided u have fully paid up the membership) is that your membership of the timeshare club will be terminated. You will loose whatever money u have paid for the membership. Don't be fooled or threatened by the timeshare company into insisting you pay up the maintenance fees. If they insist get them to give it to you in writing. I have been a timeshare member before and i gave up my membership because of the spiralling increase in the maintenance fees. The company sent me some letters and i ignored them. I am not bothered anymore. Caveat Emptor! [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: Francis [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Mon, Dec 19 2005, 21:28:29 Is there any lawyers over here that is willing to give professional advice with regards to stopping the maintenance payment for the timeshare if they are willing forego the membership. The topic should not only be discuss here. It should be made known to everyone through the press so that other victims will not be fooled or threathened again. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: jay [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Tue, Dec 20 2005, 10:40:48 Hi everyone there... There is no such need to pay maintenance fee if you are willing to forgo the membership. You won't get sue and you no need to waste money on lawyers. if anyone will realise, you won't even be threaten by developers (resort owners). If you think again, all those threat comes from marketers that is trying to sell you another membership or holiday club. I am with a timeshare developer and i know the product outside in. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: George [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Wed, Dec 21 2005, 22:40:04 Hi friends. Don't be fooled into thinking u have to pay the ever increasing maintenance fees for this stupid thing called timeshare which is sold to u at different prices by the same company for the same membership. Look into the contract documents and u will realise that is no indication that u have to pay the maintenance fees for ever and ever. Don't be stupid. If u just feel that u have had enough of the so-called promised holidays just abort the membership. Brace yourself. And take it as a bad decision and bad investment. Don't ever get involved with people or companies who tell u they can help u sell your membership for a song and who can help u terminate your contract for a fee or introduce u to another form of membership that don't require maintenance fees and u even get cashbacks. Don't be naive my friends. Just make sure u warn all your friends and relatives about the people who get into a fix, enticed into signing for a membership that costs thousands of dollars and getting sleepless nights! Yes, all these because of people's greed and impulsiveness - lured by free gifts and promises of free holidays and other attractions. People must realise that there is no such thing as a free lunch - there are strings attached; there are implications which if u are not careful can get u into a lot of problems. So be careful my friends. Merry Christmas and let us all pray that that God will spite these people who thrive and profit at other people's misery! [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: sim [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Fri, Dec 23 2005, 0:47:37 If you think you have had enough of this crap, just stop paying for anything that is timeshare related. Once and for all end this nonsense. This timeshare thing is a bottomless pit. Stop pouring money into it. Cut lost and pull out now. What's lost is lost. Just put it all behind and get on with your life. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: Kim [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Sat, Dec 24 2005, 5:32:18 I have a timeshare in what's left of New Orleans. It's paid in full. I received a bogus letter from the owner's association stating that it's an "ownership" just like my house or car and that with any ownership, the "owner" assumes the risks. They tell me they hope maintenance will not "have to" go up too much in order to make repairs to the hotel. First, they think I was born yesterday. If they expect to receive a penny from me to reapir what's now a piece-of-garbage hotel--in the least desirable city in America--they're dreaming!! My question is: can I deduct the fair market value of the timehsare on my taxes if I have them terminate my membership? I would consider that a capital loss. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: Faizah [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Sat, Mar 11 2006, 12:27:57 Our timeshare if fully paid when LGM turned up and said that we can get our money back after 7 years by paying additional $8K and changed the membership to CVC. We asked if they can confirm that and put it in writing. They said yes and even write it in front of us. We stupidly agreed and signed. When asked for a copy of the written statement, they said they need to make a copy then they'll give it to us. Now, they are saying that that is only a worksheet and not to be given to us. We were pretty pissed off and refused to pay the subscription fee subsequently. We have even said we want to terminate the contract and are willing to forgo the $20K paid to them. They have now said we have a liability and threatened us with legal suit. If anyone can advise what we should do, we would appreciate it very much. Thank you! [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Can I stop paying maintenance fee? | |
Author: sim [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Thu, Mar 16 2006, 0:58:22 It's that "you have liability and threatened you with legal suit" trick again... Tell them to bring it on. You don't have to give a damn about them. There is no such thing. See if they dare to sue you. If they do try to sue you, their super bad reputation and their evil doings will be their ultimate down fall. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |