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Subject: Global Europ and World Resort International - help!

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Date Posted: Sun, Jun 12 2005, 13:25:54

I was called by World Resort International for a timeshare package 4 years ago. After 4 hours' non-stop presentation and pressure, I signed up a $12,000 timeshare package and paid $5000 for diposit for Royal Goan Resort for 80 years. I immediately regreted after went back home. The next day, I approached WRI asking for cancelling of the contract. After two weeks struggling with them, finally they agreed. I got $4500 for refund, but another $500 was for administritive fee which I failed to get it back. At that time, I thought it was the best result I could get, anyway I finally got rid of the nightmare of time share.
But the case has not really closed yet.
Last week, I received a phone call from a company called "Global Europ", they claimed that the WRI was closed down, now they are pointed by WRI to handle all the outstanding case. According to their records from WRI, I only paied $5000 for my time share, there are still $7000 outstanding payment needed to be settled. Initially I thought it was just another scam and refused to talk to them. But they kept calling me and even threat me with a layer latter. So I decided to visit their office to face them.
Before I went there, I call CASE, their advice was it is ok to go but don't sign anything.
I went there last Saturday. Their office is located at Maxwell House Level 4. In their office, they showed me the appointment letter from WRI and my previous contract with WRI. In the contract, it indicated I only paid off $5000 and still owe them $7000. I told them this contract was terminated four and half years ago. I don't owe anybody's money. They asked for termination letter, it is bad I didn't keep it for so long. They told me even I still have the termination letter with me, it will not help. The reason is the termination is between WRI and me, not between Loyal Goan and me. In another word, I have not terminate this contract with Loyal Goan.
They gave me two options. One is paying off the $7000 and getting the proper membership from Royal Guan, but I still have to pay about $600 per year up to 80 years for maintenance. The second option is seeking the help from them to transfer my membership to somebody else, but it will involve the layer fee and admin fee for about $7000 which is the same amount of my outstanding payment.
During the discussion, they asked me to sign a form to indicate I will not disclose anything I was presented by them. Of course I refused to sign it. I told them I need time to think of it and will inform them later on. But they asked me to write a leter to Loyal Goan in front of them to request some more time for consideration otherwise they will not guarantee Loyal Guan would not take a legal action to me during my consideration time. They threated me a lot with the laywer letter all along the conversation. I was really frightened. For some time, I almost lost my mind. Finally and luckly, I dicided not write any thing and left there.
I am really angry at those kind of people disturbing my whole life out of the sudden. I have suffered $500 lost four years ago, but they still don't want leave me along.
Really need your help and advice, what should I do? Will they take a legal action against me? How could I protect my own interest as a consumer? Can I just igore their calls? Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
Please share if you have similar experience.

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[> Subject: So weird huh......

former timeshare victim of Regency Leisure Development
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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 15 2005, 22:49:42

Hi amk

If what they say is really true about World Resort International appointing "Global Europ" as the company to chase outstanding debts, isn't it strange to you that their "so called records" reflect you only owe them $7k instead of $11.5k since you already have refund of $4.5k 4 years ago?

Please read the messages from this forum and you will know how to decide what's best for your case.

Best of luck!
former timeshare victim of Regency Leisure Development

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[> Subject: Re: Global Europ and World Resort International - help!

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Date Posted: Fri, Jun 24 2005, 23:13:00

you are right, they was unaware of the 4.5K refund. When I told them, they just ignored it. It is understandable that they will definitely not admit the 4.5K refund as it contradicted to their so called records which indicate nothing about this contract was cancelled 4 years ago.

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[> Subject: IRN resort threathen to sue me within 14 days

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 29 2005, 1:02:37

hi I need help, i have not paid up for the installments for the IRN(Interval Resort Network) for the last 2 months and they threathen to sue me for breach of contract/agreement, i have submit my compliant to CASE, will i as a consumer be sued? I do not want to pay any of the installments anymore, i would just want to forfeit the $1,900 that i have paid so far, can anyone help me on this? My total amount is $11,500 for the whole package. Currently i paid up $1,900.
Really appreciate the help for this

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[> [> Subject: Re: IRN resort threathen to sue me within 14 days

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Date Posted: Sat, Jul 02 2005, 19:11:24

Hi James

For your case $9.6k is outstanding, IRN might just decide to issue you lawyer letter because IRN only need to spend couple of hundreds for it.

If it's a 'real' lawyer letter which IRN is seriously going to take action against you, it will be handed to you personally only.

As stated somewhere in this forum before, Small Claims Tribunal do not handle any timeshare related cases for both timeshare companies and the victims and you won't be declared a bankrupt for total amounts owing less than $10k in Singapore, be it with one or more parties accumulated. (pls check with the relevant authorities to be sure of it yourself)

If you don't have any amounts owing to others in Singapore to add up on top of $9.6k, it's all up to you whether you want to use the money to engage a lawyer for yourself or join the rest in this forum to engage a lawyer or pay $9.6k and most likely get nothing but more headaches thereafter as shared by many victims here.

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[> Subject: Re: Global Europ and World Resort International - help!

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Date Posted: Mon, Aug 08 2005, 1:36:13

Hi amk, I am also the victim WRI and I faced the exactly things as you. Global Europ did the same thing to me. I have also terminated my contract about 5 years ago.

I think it may be a scam, I am trying to gather as many people as possible to put a stop to this. Can you give me your email, so that I can contact you personally. Just to be cautious, as anyone can be in the forum including Timeshare people.

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[> Subject: Re: Global Europ and World Resort International - help!

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Date Posted: Sat, Sep 03 2005, 17:38:30

Hi All,

I have just contacted by Global Europe yesterday. (2nd Sept)

Same things as what you people siad, they claim that they are appointed by World Resort to take over the business.

Before that I have been approached by many re-sale companies including J&K, LGM, Pro-Biz etc. (please see more of these companies at http://www.crimeshare.net/63.html) All of them want me to get them to sell my timeshare. But, I have never signed with them. (After bite by snake, we all know the taste) Now, Global Europe call me that all of those so call "re-seller" are illegal and they are the only "Legal" company to re-sell the time share.

Of course, before i go to their office, I come to here and found out thier "True" face now.

I think all of you is much better than my case. I have paid FULL which cost me 12K and every year I am still paying the maintenance fee of around 500USD (aorund 5 years now). This fee is still increasing. I never use the resort so far.

Same as all of you, treaterning leter from the resort sending to me whenever I stop the maintenance fee.

I have checked with CASE last year. According to them, World Resort no longer there and the POLICE is looking for the boss. I am not able to take any action against World Resort.

I am wondering now Global Europe is so call "officially" take over the business (I am wondering if it is the same boss by changing the company name) I am wondering if I can go back to CASE to take action against them.

On another hand, CASE has mentioned that we can write directly to "Royal Rosort" - (mine in Bali) to terminate the contract. Of course I will never be able to take back all my Money. Though, I have not tried that.

Is there anyone try that before if it works? or any one join together to get a lawyer to handle the case before?
How much is the fee? If I get lawyer to handle the case will I get ack part of the money?

Any advice?


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