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Subject: Re: Global Europ and World Resort International - help!

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Date Posted: Sat, Sep 03 2005, 17:38:30
In reply to: amk 's message, "Global Europ and World Resort International - help!" on Sun, Jun 12 2005, 13:25:54

Hi All,

I have just contacted by Global Europe yesterday. (2nd Sept)

Same things as what you people siad, they claim that they are appointed by World Resort to take over the business.

Before that I have been approached by many re-sale companies including J&K, LGM, Pro-Biz etc. (please see more of these companies at http://www.crimeshare.net/63.html) All of them want me to get them to sell my timeshare. But, I have never signed with them. (After bite by snake, we all know the taste) Now, Global Europe call me that all of those so call "re-seller" are illegal and they are the only "Legal" company to re-sell the time share.

Of course, before i go to their office, I come to here and found out thier "True" face now.

I think all of you is much better than my case. I have paid FULL which cost me 12K and every year I am still paying the maintenance fee of around 500USD (aorund 5 years now). This fee is still increasing. I never use the resort so far.

Same as all of you, treaterning leter from the resort sending to me whenever I stop the maintenance fee.

I have checked with CASE last year. According to them, World Resort no longer there and the POLICE is looking for the boss. I am not able to take any action against World Resort.

I am wondering now Global Europe is so call "officially" take over the business (I am wondering if it is the same boss by changing the company name) I am wondering if I can go back to CASE to take action against them.

On another hand, CASE has mentioned that we can write directly to "Royal Rosort" - (mine in Bali) to terminate the contract. Of course I will never be able to take back all my Money. Though, I have not tried that.

Is there anyone try that before if it works? or any one join together to get a lawyer to handle the case before?
How much is the fee? If I get lawyer to handle the case will I get ack part of the money?

Any advice?


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