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Subject: N 80600108 | |
Author: Nelly | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: Thu, Mar 03 2005, 22:32:24 In reply to: WL 's message, "ATC closing down?" on Fri, Oct 01 2004, 12:14:28 I'm a victim of the ATC's trap too.I paid 6570$ to Club Thara at ATC in Phuket in 2001. The four main points to the OTE(organisation for timeshare in Europe)Directive are: 1.Buyers must have a Statory Minimum "cooling off" period of ten days from signing the contract. 2.The taking of deposites before the end of cooling off period is prohibited. 3.Contract myst be in language of the member state in which the buyer lives. 4. Purchesers must resive all desckriptive and their rights. All the 4 points were broken by the Manager Mr. D. Cooper when I bought the timeshare. At the first year nobody abswer to me until the Management invoise with threat that my rights of occupationn will be canceled with my money. During the first year I asked the Manager Mr.David Cooper and Huthinson's campany to return my money back to me.But nobody answer to me at all. I have reseived a very big moral and finances damage from the Club ATC. At 2003 year when I spent my holiday in Club Thara,The new Manager from Club Thara offered me to move from Club Thara at ATC to Club Thara. I agreed.Because The Manager LEE Hong Mga Samuel showed my dossier with the copy of number of my money which I paid to ATC for my membershipe. I need to used this timeshare because I can not to reseive my money back. I need to pay the management fee to this Club Thara which is increased every two years. But there is nothing points about this management increasing in my contract. If 4.Purchesers must reseive all deskriptive and their rights. What's the Club Rulls? and why The Club Thara when was been at ATC and now to conceal,to cheated me about this Club Rulls and my rights? Have I a chance to return my money back in this case? Now at the same plase on two floor near restaurants where ATC was been solding the timeshare at THE THARA CLUB,the other company "ABSOLUTE" are selling the timeshare at Thara Club again. How Thai Government allowed the selling timeshare? Is there THAI law about the timeshare? [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |