Subject: Re: For Mr Maze |
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Date Posted: 16:42:20 05/15/05 Sun
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
's message, "Re: For Mr Maze" on 08:39:17 05/14/05 Sat
I think what we have to remember here is that Hafan Y Coed belongs to the Maize family and is theirs to do as they wish. Nothing is legally wrong if they choose to sell the site, whatever kind of development takes place there in the future, another centre of the same kind, or housing, its business, and as long as its conducted legally there is nothing wrong there, it soesnt have to be morally right.
In my opinion what has gone wrong is that hopes and dreams have been shattered. Mr Mayze has had responsibility for the hopes of many sensitive people, and whether he realised this or not, he has shattered their illusion that if work purports to be for the spirit, it must be done with altruistic intentions. This is not so, HYC is a business first, a residential centre second and in either there is no room for sentiment. Unfortunately in this instance, those who work closely with the spirit world become very sensitive to what goes on around them and the idea of a spiritual centre run as a profit making businesss can never really be acceptable to them. They were not treated with the respect they felt they deserved and they witnessed others being treated similarly. From a businessman's perspective, however, those same people were merely "hangers on" and in return for the bed and board described above they were expected to act the role of employees and toe the line. Dissent was not something to be tolerated as this weakened the structure and thereby lessened the likelihood of success and therefore profit.
The idea didn't really have much chance of success as two completely polar ideas were trying to be worked in conjuction with each other and eventually something had to give. Spirituality seems to have lost out for the moment, but if current rumour is correct, the business side is almost lost as well. It should not come as a surprise then when Mr Mayze realises his assets and claims what he sees as his due. It should also come as no suprise to him when he does eventually receive his dues, as is inevitable for us all.
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