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Subject: Re: For Mr Maze

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Date Posted: 08:39:17 05/14/05 Sat
Author Host/IP: lutn-cache-12.server.ntli.net/
In reply to: Sol 's message, "Re: For Mr Maze" on 20:04:49 05/10/05 Tue

It will be a sad day if hafen has to close down, or should I say if Alan decides to close it down and now sell the site, after he has had the landscaping done free of charge.
I have too wonder if it was Alan's intention all the time to sell the site when the time was right.
Let's not try to blame anyone else for the downfall of Hafen, the sole person to blame is Alan, yes there has been mediocre tutors there, there has been some turors there will did not match up to being even mediocre, but there has been some great tutors there too, the one thing they had in common was that they worked for Spirit and tried to make a success of Hafen, but did Alan.
When alan took over the running of Hafen, the bookings were full, there were people around him who beleived in Hafen, who worked for hafen, who wanted Hafen to succeed, so why did he chose to bring in the infamous Peter Adams, who is weel known by now for insulting the turors in front of the students and getting to leave the site, I am talking about great tutors, not the mediocre or the less of mediocre ones, why? if not to bring about the downfall of Hafen.
The prices went up to almost double, forcing a lot of people to stop coming to Hafen, regulars who had been going to Hafen since the start?. Why, if not to bring the downfall.
Course's been cancelled, of change of tutor instead of the name one in the program, usually on e of much lesser knowledge and insight, in some case's ex-students who thought they could teach the teacher.
People may say "Yes, but Alan was losing a lot of money trying to keep Hafen open, money out of his own pocket", to that I say alan putting money in Hafen was betterthat putting it in a bank, what money he put in, he is going to get back, plus a lot more.
I asking Alan on here is the love of money so imporant that you let it spoil the dreams of so many, many who had a great beleif in you, many who work very hard at Hafen for bed and board, because they thought you had Hafen and Spirit in your heart.
Jean Duncan built Hafen up, Alan has destroyed it.
People may find faults with Jean Duncan, but she helped a great many along their spiritual paths, with Jean Duncan like any other Tutor Mediums, you took what you needed to take from her tutorship, if there anything what did not suit you, you did not have to take, but with Alan, he took people's dreams and used them against the people for his own ends, Money.
Alan, may your money bring you the life you so richly deserve.

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Re: For Mr MazeSol
16:42:20 05/15/05 Sun

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