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Subject: Re: Pollution - what a disasterous sport

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Date Posted: 12/31/07 6:26:09pm
In reply to: kam 's message, "Re: Pollution - what a disasterous sport" on 12/17/07 10:17:03pm

kam, the 3406 Cat is 15 liters (893 cu. in.), which you are probably aware of. Might be the racing circuit is limited to 12 liters.

The truck I run over the road with has an ISX Cummins, also 15 liters, but 912 cu. in. At 500hp & at full power, there's no smoke, at less than 30lbs. manifold pressure. Wonder what kind of power that engine could make with more boost & proportionally more fuel and/or fuel pressure, more rpm's, and modified internal engine parts (camshaft, pistons, etc.). I do believe you could make tons of power with little or no smoke.
But the folks that pay at the gate like the smoke (me, too...).

To stay on topic, the air is better than it was 30+years ago. At that time, we could smell the GM Grey Iron foundry from better than 20 miles away, & the Dow Chemical "rotten egg smell" from better than 40 miles...

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Subject Author Date
Re: Pollution - what a disasterous sportCPR01/17/08 9:45:42pm
    Re: Pollution - what a disasterous sportkam01/24/08 4:45:38pm

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