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Subject: omg get a life!

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Date Posted: 11:24:14 12/09/04 Thu
In reply to: hahahahaha 's message, "OWENSOUND SKANKS" on 04:51:57 12/09/04 Thu

wow ur fuckin dumb! If you read the posts from last year someone said she was getting fat or was it a baby? she didnt tell ppl she was knocked up.. who the fuck would do that? not her and id love to see one of you gutless pucksluts go up to amanda or megan or one of the other girls and say something to their faces... It will never happen all you girls can do is park your gutless asses in front of a computer and chirp ppl behind a computer screen and hide behind user name GET A FUCKIN LIFE!!!! and stop trying to be part of theirs!!!! really their lives arnt that interesting. Well they might be to some of you since you know hockey players are royal shit to you dumb fucks. Their normal fucking guys and its not the girls fault that either you dumb fucks are to chicken shit to talk to them or you got turned down by them. Dont turn this in to last year cuz that was fucking retard with the puckslut stalking amanda.... if you have a problem confront one of them... or even just leave you name... dont be so fuckin gutless!

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ya yaahahah your a joke11:26:07 12/09/04 Thu

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