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Date Posted: 12:20:38 11/18/03 Tue
Author: Russell
Subject: Re: Dietary Laws
In reply to: John 's message, "Re: Dietary Laws" on 07:57:22 11/18/03 Tue

Well – like I said earlier – I don’t think your going to hell for it – if and I say a big if they did sale pork in the market place and you ate some – I tell you one thing – back then if someone offered me some pork after it has been laying around in a open market - law or no law I’m not eating it and I don’t care who is offended – I don’t know for sure if they even sold pork like that – that will kill you and I think they knew that – and I will even say if you study on it you can find out what they were buying from these markets – that don’t change the fact that dietary laws haven’t been done away with – the point that you had made was that this is a new church – babies in the word and still on the milk of the word – not fully understanding the ways of Yahweh – so if Paul and I say a big if here is telling them in a letter not to worry about what you eat – He is not saying the dietary laws done away but for the little gentile babies in the word “don’t worry about it” – do you think that the church after two thousand years of studying and maturing in the word can’t figure out that the dietary haven’t been done away with – Yes they can but the church LIKES being a baby – It likes eating what it wants when it wants – The church likes doing what it wants when it wants – the church is a spoiled baby and people don’t want to mature in the word and they fight and grumbles and look for loop holes - when they know the dietary laws are still a part of Yahweh s plan for man – IF NOT you could show me when they were done away with - How they were done away or at least why they were done away with – why must we be held to an infantile understanding of the word and like hypocrites we study and pray for more understanding for WHAT! – if we don’t like the truth that is shown to us - we well just make up an excuse why we don’t have to do it – Your right the church at Corinth was a immature church with immature believers in it and if you could buy pork in a open market – and if Paul did tell these new Christians not to worry about what to eat – then the question is Why? Why wouldn’t Paul do it – Why would he tell someone else to do it?

Reason #1 the dietary laws were done away with and Paul was the only one who knew about it and he didn’t tell anybody - I don’t think so

Reason #2 the subject of the dietary laws were to difficult for gentile believers to grasp as new coverts they had to mature in the word before understanding – Just like we had too! – a little more likely

The problem is our preachers and teachers don’t want to her us cry - like babies that can’t do what they want so they stick bottle a bottle of milk back our mouth – and tell us that Jesus loves this we know for the bible tell us so –

1 Cor 3:2I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able, 3 for you are still fleshly. For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly, and are you not walking like mere men?

Heb 5:12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food.13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant.

1 Peter 2:2 like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation,

If what your sayings is that the dietary laws have not been done away with – and those who are a new convert to the faith and immature in the word do not have all the dietary laws – I agree with totally

But what I’m saying if you are a teacher a preacher or any leader in a church body – or if you understand the word and have followed the faith for long time – these people in obedience to the word (because they love Him and for no other reason) and to Yahweh’s plan for their life should follow the dietary guidelines in the scripture

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