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Subject: . Cry of the Death Walker . KAZAN AND RIA

Gloria Sanchez
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Date Posted: 15:27:05 09/22/04 Wed

ooc:ok thats fine hehe...lol
She watched the duo with growing apprehensions. If they were hungry they would have killed her by now, and if they wanted her dead she would be laying on the ground. A new fear shuttered up her spine as her very thoughts were amplified in the voice of Ria. How did they know? Shrugging inwardly, it would be just another hurdle to overcome. As the serpent tongue flicked words of Jouet a rage built within her, anger bubbling over.

You shut your mouth you freak...my sister has nothing to do with this...nothing

Funny how fear leaves under the threat of anger. Images blazed in her mind, perhaps Jouet was dead, splattered on the ground. Burning tears raced down the face, the ebony waterfall flickering in the gathering breeze. A new name was revealed her and for a moment she looked curious, almost hopeful that these two were just malicious pranksters out for fun.

Who's this Dorjan? Wait, let me guess...he's a pig that can fly right? I mean we got talking Scooby Doo and mind reading Tweety. It stands to reason

Out of all the things she had learned, curbing her tongue was never one of them. At times it was an advantage but not today. As the canine slithered closer, she stepped into the wall, his fangs looking like daggers eager to slice.

How about we forget about this incident and you let me go home to my sister...sound like a plan?

ooc:wow that sucked srry in a rush

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~Though she looked a little worried and weak~Meria14:17:14 09/23/04 Thu

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