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Subject: "Stop. Look what your doing to Chandler!"

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Date Posted: 15:36:40 01/16/04 Fri

Boy, in order to reply you do have to scroll down a long way! Mark M by his own admission in a business lecture referred to himself as 'semi-shallow'.

Interesting that even RM has not been able to avoid the physical afflictions that flesh is heir to -and that includes his son in law and son David - and of course he does have or did have an estranged son unless the prodigal has returned?

I meant to include in my intial post the observation, albeit it may not be received kindly, the proclivity of too many Fhuiacs (US ones included) to bickering, internicine strife, intrigue, pique, petty conceits, rancour and petulance. No subject is too trivial not to have an argument about apparently. If only half the time Fhuiacs spent tearing into each other were spent confronting the people destroying our respective countries we might get somewhere.

Could it be, as Brigham Young once observed: "The reason we are so disatisfied with other people is because we are so disatisfied with ourselves"?

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