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Subject: Hi Nick~

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Date Posted: 16:03:03 01/16/04 Fri

Even one of the apostles spoke of having a "thorn in his side," and I agree with many that it was probably some physical affliction to keep him humble or something. I agree with David Masters that the reason he once experienced health problems was to show him that he could, indeed, get sick.

Bickering? have you witnessed members of the FHU bickering in person? or is it just the written word that you are referring to? I suggest you can't tell the difference many times in bickering, and written debate. I see it as people being outspoken and not letting others get away with excuse-making. I also suggest that were the same people you read bickering from, in person speaking before you, you wouldn't see it as bickering, because it wouldn't be bickering.

I agree with what I have heard Roy say many times before, that it's better to speak up the wrong way in the early stages of our growth, than to be spineless and not speak up at all. I witnessed a lot of this on the old board. Others called it bickering. Some of it could be read both ways. I recall that Tall Timber Ranch had a "blasting zone!" Was there never any bickering during BLASTING?

Lastly, don't doubt one iota that many of us that blast or "bicker" on the forums spend plenty of time speaking up in our communities, and world as much as we can. Sadly, there are too few of us. Speaking up to fellow FHU'ers doesn't take away from the rest of our lives.

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