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Subject: glory and grace

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Date Posted: 14:23:39 12/23/04 Thu
In reply to: Lutalo & Otieno 's message, "2 Stallions, in search of mares" on 08:17:48 12/23/04 Thu

snorting softly a gostly grey beauty appears from the shadows watching the steeds with quiet study. flowing tressels draping her elegantly curver boa pooling upon muscular shoulders. banner flying with a grace that toke many a humans breath away. but she was still here a spirit that could not be tamed nor captured. soft pools of chocolate brown shimmering with hidden interest as she flicks her floor length banner allowing her scent like the perfume of roses to grace the air. audits perked taking in their calls and the stomping of hoofs with peaceful stillness.

painted: light dappled grey
cursed: mane
seasons: 5

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What are brothers for?Lutalo & Otieno06:34:45 12/24/04 Fri

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