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Date Posted: 19:05:27 03/30/04 Tue
Author: Shalimar
Subject: ...:~ Fuego ~:...
In reply to: Freedom 's message, "Freedom..T's Worth Fightin' For.." on 13:50:27 03/29/04 Mon

Russet eyes seemed to sparkle with feverous life as he watched the two mares and their bodily actions as if he were reading their minds. Labrums curled in a joyous smile as cheery lyrics splashed out into the foggy evening air, the damp light causing his light pelt to glow.

"Ladys, I am glad you now know one another, let us not be strangers but friends for we are a herd..."

Deep chasms closed momentarily then reopened and fell upon Red Dawn giving her a look of radiating glee, telling her that she would never be forgotten as the first fae to follow him home. But with a lightning blink, his warm, loving gaze shifted to Freedom letting her know that no matter her undisclosed past, she would forever have a home with him. Again he smiled brightly, loving his company and, secretively, the silent competition between the two... Mares.

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