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Subject: Long but juicy

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Date Posted: Friday, June 30, 03:52:55pm
In reply to: Loveroy 's message, "MIRA Charity Event 25th Anniversary Debrief" on Friday, June 30, 03:51:47pm

The Tattooed Girls, Mr. and Mrs. Dude, The European bloc from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the Canadian faction, the rowdy Americans from as far as Hawaii and as close as Upper New York, came together to celebrate MIRA’s 25th Anniversary. MIRA is a wonderful charity in its own right, it is about people in need and helping said community gain what we as humans appreciate most – our autonomy. MIRA deals with an international theme, has no borders and is remarkable in its courageous vision. I feel better about myself when I take part in a MIRA Charity Event, for it is especially about the blind children, and a charity by definition is about helping people in need.

On the way through wonderful Joyce-related experiences, we met a band of other MIRA supporters throughout the Quebecois landscape. MIRA is a well known, highly respected charity with loads of supporters who every year enthusiastically welcomes us and thank us for our involvement in such a worthwhile cause. It is always fascinating to see how many people truly care about MIRA’s work and even those who are not involved in raising funds, eagerly appreciate this wonderful indisputable charity, if for no other reason than their effort.

There was our luxury tour bus driver who played along at the site visits, the handsome guys from Hydro-Quebec who, attending a meeting at our hotel seemed to save us a parking spot next to their properly appointed SUVs; as well as the very interested in MIRA and enthusiastic Costco executives who as we speak should be contacting MIRA to donate. There were the celebrities that knocked at our doors to say present, such as that gorgeous guy Blaise introduced us to (more about him later). There was the chance meeting with Luck Mervil from C’est Pas Moi who brought a smile to babes from Mass/NY, Boston and FL. There was the Canadian Customs agent who donated to MIRA, the Wal-Mart cashier who MIRA had helped, the Dollar-Store gal and the ‘Last Chapter’ members who inquired about purchasing bracelets and of course… Tommy Lee the Producer, who was considering becoming a ‘foster family’ for a MIRA pooch, and who got my red bracelet as a reward for not being the one that was married to Pam Anderson.

I could go on, but this is not what you want to hear because I bet you are dying to know about Waiter Erick and the Shirtless Men of MIRA. In time, although I assure you -- bluer eyes never batted eyelashes your way and more fashionable chests never stripped for you. The almost indiscernible accents, the dimples, the whitest-straightest-most perfect teeth and the young muscular arms were perfection reminiscing of why some come to Montreal… sigh.

On Monday, JennS, Lady E, Swiss Army Gal and yours truly met at the YUL airport, rented the van from a funny, engaging Hertz agent and proceeded to go to the Old Port to have a late lunch, check out the dinner cruise-ship, walk and wait for KG so we could continue on to StH. Talk about your ‘beautiful somewhere’ -- cool with just the right chill in the air, week-day so just a few tourists, and the aroma of the ‘horse drawn carriage’ permeating the air, combined with a charming waiter, a nice exchange rate, a great souvenir vendor and a pleasant walk along the Port, all helped the time fly.

Of course, there was the ‘devalued’ charcoal painting of Mr. Dupuis ($25CA and that was because I didn’t haggle with the artist) which littered the ‘mall’, while others such luminaries’ likeness begged to be bought. And then, our friend JennS, somehow resurrected the “King” when a golden ‘Elvis’ (…Thank You Very Much) captivated by her beauty asked her to call him. I love Montreal, everyone asks what we are doing there… and telling them we are there for MIRA always brings a smile to their faces and gratitude to those smiles.

So… after meeting up with KG, I dutifully got us lost (do it every year), and stopped for Cokes and munchies on the way to Trois Rivieres. I want to add that three years ago I had a bad experience at a MacDonald’s there after an allergic reaction to bug-spray, so I think I subconsciously revisit the scene and remember why I am glad I’ve made my choices. Finally finding our way back to Highway 20 Est (or was it 25 Oest?) we arrived at St. H. The always welcoming, stress-free and well-appointed Hotel LeS, which year after year houses us, was waiting with open arms, as were the Tattooed girls and Joyce. We hugged, laughed, drank and ate in our suites and then finally around 1:30 am went to sleep. Beth, Stacey, KG and Joyce continued working to make sure the Event went (as it did) without a hitch in a totally organized fashion – it ran like a clock. Truer devoted charity workers never lived – thanks ladies (and I don’t use the term loosely).

Next morning, we met for breakfast and went on our way to Walmart, the grocery stores, delis and other sundry stores that provided us with all the items we needed for our Welcome to St. H Meet and Greet party. Unlike organized Joyce, who had all her stuff shipped from the States, we needed to shop… By the way, this year Joyce fed us every breakfast and lunch and except for two dinners we didn’t have to pay for much. That was quite generous and it allowed us more money to buy great stuff at the auction. Have I said thank you Joyce yet? So…We split up and went to do our separate assigned tasks and Lady E and I found a fantastic Dollar Store where we bought souvenirs to take back to our loved ones (great stuff both from Canada and Quebec). And, of course, we also found the fantastic pizza place that would be serving us dinner that evening – Mike’s (not the reported Pizza Hut).

All attendees marched through the ‘Hospitality Suite’ to eat, drink and be merry. We had a blast, laughed, got reacquainted and acquainted and talked and laughed for a very long time. We drank everything imaginable, including ‘Oreo Mudslides’ (a quite yummy Beth creation) and ate pizza and other goodies. We were up until the wee hour of the night getting more familiar with our friends and…not once was there Drama - what a blast.

You know, I don’t look forward to the Drama that seems to come with the Montreal trips every year I embark in my journey. Low and behold this year I was happily rewarded by ‘No Drama,’ just a brief glitch. I quickly realized the Drama is not inherent in the Montreal events; it comes in the suitcases of some of the attendees who thankfully were absent this glorious fun-filled year. The glitch quickly slithered back into her cave and the fun just went on and on and on – until let me tell you my friends, exhaustion took over on the way back home. When am I too tired to enjoy 2006 ‘World’s Sexiest Man’ on the plane’s screen you know I was happily pooped.

The next morning the official commencement of the Event took place. The muffins, fruit, juices, croissants, milk, coffee, tea, were yummy. The room was great with a patio in the back and its location allowed us to march passed the Hydro-Quebec cuties and the Beauty Consultants who met close by. It was good to see the sunshiny faces of the attendees and rejoice in the goody bags that MIRA sent. The always impressive logo in a red and black background, the stuffed pup that reminds us why we come, the pen, the bracelet that was just perfect with its tiny little paw prints, the MIRA greeting cards, etc. What a wonderful thing to be able to concentrate on the charity and our friends, with no distraction that brings tension into the equation.

Here, I must say that a very disappointing incident occurred. It is always incredibly difficult for me to understand why some people, for no other reason than being unpleasant, want to mar these gatherings with ‘crap.’ These events shouldn’t be about any one of us, they should be about the collective family we have formed and the charity with its clients who need and deserve our help. I don’t want to hear people excusing behavior that has no excuse. If you are not happy with the Event, the charity, the attendees or the organizers, then move on – don’t show your ass, it just isn’t attractive.

I think this whole last month has been a disservice to Roy who some seem to want to protect, and consequently to his reputation. I now know that he had no clue as to what was going on in his supposed fandom. Remember ladies, he didn’t want a fan club; he asked that we concentrate on MIRA, his charity of choice. This doesn’t excuse his actions or lack of consideration to us his fans or the fact our pockets mean more than anything else, however, I have first-hand knowledge now of what went on and I feel I should pass it on.

This whole power trip that some people are on has to stop for Roy’s sake. Why are the rest of us being subjected to this because someone is jealous of someone else or because someone wants to show us how powerful they think they are – let’s face it ladies, who gives a flying fig about purposely warped interpretations of non-facts. Let’s not kid ourselves, none of us have Roy’s ear – NONE OF US!!!!! And none of us should think we do, since there is a very thin line between being a fan and being obsessed and a stalker.

Both representatives of the Montreal events received several emails from Robert Budreau, the writer/co-producer/director of ‘That Beautiful Somewhere,’ in which he very graciously advised he would send Roy’s fans clips of the movie he is still working on, along with items to be auctioned off. After much back and forth from one of the organizers, he clearly stated that the first event obviously would get to view the clips and then a named person from the ‘Organization’ not the event coordinators, would pass the clip along to the next ‘Organization.’ This was unmistakably detailed in his emails, with the usual warning that the clips were confidential and that he didn’t want to see the clips on the Internet.

There was no devaluing of Roy’s image to take place, no funds to be earned by anyone seeing these clips, no hidden agenda; the only profit to be had was the enjoyment, by the attendees, of Roy’s recent and yet-to-be-released work. It couldn’t have been simpler or more innocent or more organized and un-objected to – Roy Dupuis’ fans attending what we had been told by Roy himself, was his Charity (that other organization is NOT a charity) enjoying a moment of his work that the organizer of the Mira Charity Event had long before procured – big freakin’ deal. Simplicity at its best – Robert graciously a week before June 12, was allowing what he knew to be Roy’s fans -- not event supporters, but his FANS (the people who pay to see his movies), this treat he had cleared with the powers that be.

It still perplexes me why anyone would take exception to this when the organizer of the MIRA Charity Event – before any supposed announcement by Mr. Dupuis and very long ago, requested of Robert the movie clips for all our enjoyments. This was not done in secret – as per Robert, both organizations were privy to the emails. Ladies, I have spoken to Robert, I have seen the emails, I have laughed because the little temper tantrum by a representative of the other event was had in front of the room where the Hydro-Quebec people were meeting. Robert is a perfectly lovely man; he was as puzzled as us at the situation which popped up unexpectedly during the MIRA event. He was communicating with event coordinators and NOT members of the organizations or Roy’s people.

He was apologetic on Roy’s behalf; confused he assured me that Roy is a charitable man. Robert owns the movie, and is not too happy at the situation and being caught in the middle and confessed he should have sent the movie clips to the Organization holding the first event, and not the event coordinator.

Robert told me that He will be advising Roy of what went on. We chatted twice for quite some time and, at the end of our conversation, he did tell me that he would keep us up-to-date about the movie’s release through Joyce. We even spoke about the Oscar’s and he told me that was his ‘plan’ -- so I can’t wait to buy the DVD if he doesn’t succeed in releasing it in my market.

I would like to say that I read a certain debrief from someone who saw the clips in the other event, in which the clips of the movie were criticized. Ladies, please -- this man was extremely accommodating to Roy’s fans and not even professional critics would comment on a few seconds of any movie. So, instead of getting on soap boxes and tooting our own horns, let’s at least show some class and those of you who got to see the clips, be grateful and gracious.

In the end, Roy’s fans at the MIRA Charity Event, didn’t get to see the clips of ‘That Beautiful Somewhere’ -- someone fantasizing about her relationship with and her position as spokes-person for Roy didn’t allow us to do so – Not the Organization but someone on a power trip. I guess she really got off by stopping us from enjoying the clips – isn’t she special. Congratulations, I hope at least it made you happy.

So be it…Whatever the argument between X and Y may be, it is theirs to deal with and we, the people who eventually fund these Events and support Roy’s career by buying CDs or watching his work projects, our attendance and financial support, should not be exposed to hissy-fits by frustrated individuals. It is time that some of Mr. Dupuis so called fans (in my book more like stalkers) grow up and get a life.

Joyce honey, I take my hat off to you – you are a cultured lady and I applaud you for your display of class in truly deplorable circumstances. I don’t understand the purpose of the slings and arrows hurled your way, I guess the throngs seem to think there is a personal relationship between Roy and one of us, although I was assured there is not. You know that it is an international concept that the best form of flattery is imitation and you are copied at every step you take.

For example, and those of you who were not there may appreciate – There was the presence of a representative of the other event among us at MIRA – was it to scare us, was it to police us, was it to stop us from exercising our rights to choose, liberty and the pursue of happiness, or was it to show us she ‘can’… Sting keeps coming to mind, “Every step you take, I’ll be watching you…”

Helene Mailloux, Roy’s agent also spoke with me at length – her words, not mine “This has NOTHING to do with Roy, it is something between Mrs. Cunnyngham and Mrs. Wolf.” Then, “Only I speak for Roy…” And there, ladies, you have it – it has nothing to do with Roy and to tell you the truth that makes a lot of sense… So, is the missive from Roy real, did we get second-hand information, wishful thinking, perhaps half-truths and innuendo? I, for one, want to know, why would Mr. Dupuis act in such an irresponsible manner by not waiting a few days until after the MIRA event to tell us he was ‘severing his relationship with MIRA’.

Why deny the impaired people of MIRA a few dollars more by not waiting a week for his dramatic proclamation? Why make an announcement at such an inopportune time through a third party that didn’t even state who asked her to post the missive and in her own threads? Why just before Roy went on his merry way to work in Africa would he stop just to cause financial harm to a Charity he claims to support?

Was it so important to Roy, an obviously charitable man, to pollute MIRA at that precise moment? You may disagree with me that he did nothing wrong and perhaps you are right– but after the statement from his agent, don’t you wonder if he even knows what happened? I sure want to know the truth and I made a promise to Helene that I intend to keep.

We proceeded to MIRA; it is always a joy to go to the actual facility. We are so welcomed, they are so grateful; we see the videos – which by the way never get old. We see the working dogs, walk with them, see them train, watch them in the nursery, in their retirement, in their ambiance…and we see some of the clients. Autistic children are now enjoying the companionship of these very loving animals; autism is so spread-out and it is a blessing to see that these dogs will enrich a child’s life. All because of MIRA’s efforts -- a true charity, no doubt about it. While at the MIRA facility, they gave us something to take back with us for Joyce (I’ll tell you about it in a moment). My motley crew of car-buddies was now increased by the great company of Darlene and Carol, fun to see these great gals again – we talked about Dramamine, which I was carrying with me just in case.

We got back to the hotel, ate lunch and watched C’est Pas Moi...with English subtitles! I own this movie in French and I love it, so I was thrilled to see that everyone enjoyed the movie as well and laughed as much as I had. Great find Joyce, thank you. Roy did look yummy as always, but then he is one fine piece of …

Roy is quite good at comedic roles and it is a petty he has chosen as he ages gracefully, to do more serious films. I own the ‘I heart Cuba’ tee-shirt that I bought from a MIRA charity auction, and I loved to see how well he filled it out. He looks yummy as he struts before a mirror trying out his doppelganger’s clothes.

We then proceeded to prepare for our ‘gala.’ I had sent out an email so everyone knew were the boat was – Old Port, quite a landmark. Ladies E, Jenn S and I had searched for the best boat for us, the cruise-ship company called us The Mellon Group – very funny. The ladies looked beautiful; the weather was perfect; the food top fare, the wine divine, the drinks superb and the music romantic as the Montreal skyline framed our wonderful night.

The evening was to pay homage to Joyce; she deserves it, for all her hard work, for all the crap she has put up with and all the unnecessary grief that has been thrown her way…We laughed, ate, shared, and looked beautiful, flirted with Waiter Erik and other miscellaneous employees of Le Bateau Mouche…No Drama, just loads of fun with close friends and an extremely beautiful city surrounding us. No wonder Roy loves Montreal; it is a work of art and sharing it with fun friends was a treat.

Eric St. Pierre of MIRA sent for Joyce through us, a beautiful letter and plexi-glass numbered work of art, depicting the MIRA facilities with dogs and all and a plaque that was full of accolades for her outstanding work and touting her charitable heart. JennS read it to her, we all got a bit choked up and then stopped to retrieve the photo (thank you my dear Sylvia) that is attached herewith. On the way back to the parking lot I spoke with a new friend who pointed out a hotel across the way from the Port with a beautiful terrace-topped restaurant. Come to think about it… where did she go? I didn’t see her again after that night.

We drove back to St H with full bellies, full hearts and laughter and joy in our beings. Again Joyce, thank you… this one, my friend, was for you from all of us who love and appreciate you.

Next day, we went on our fun-filled tour around Montreal on our very comfy luxurious touring bus – I felt like a rock star. Even though poor Stacey was ill and slept in the back near us, we laughed and laughed and laughed and…Won truly great Roy signed items that Joyce owned and that she graciously passed on to us for our enjoyment. It amazes me how much Roy’s fans know about his films and his life.

We saw two of the schools he attended, an early apartment he lived in, different places from his movies; we went to the St. Joseph’s Oratory were we had a picnic lunch and saw the cross on Mont Royal and even the bathroom from Chili's Blues. Hahcie, Mr. and Mrs. Dude, JennS and I sat at the back of the bus, guarding the bathroom and giving M&Ms to whomever came by. We loved the tour, again thank you Joyce, I love my prize.

CBC/Radio-Canada was the next treat. Joyce had arranged to give us a tour of the television/radio station and a surprise. We toured the facility, ate and drank at a very nice little commissary, shopped at the little boutique, and while touring the place we saw wonderful posters of ‘Seraphin.’ The store also sold copies of Les Filles de Caleb, Seraphin, and The Last Chapter. Then, we proceeded to film a television news show – what a blast! Everyone participated, including as extras, cutting across shots and messing people’s lines (Ahem, Beth and Jenn/Dudette…). Some worked the cameras; Dana was the grip; some worked the teleprompter, the shots, the anchors (KT and Darlene) interacted with real anchors. It was a blast; I am sure you will be able to see it at some point. Hahcie and Jaron and other audience members have yet to critique our work.

On our way out, Hahcie, Esther and I were discussing the fine specimen Luck Mervil was. He is the actor who plays Roy’s character’s friend in C’est Pas Moi…we were laughing and exchanging remarks about doing the man a favor when low and behold – there he was…Very well dressed and groomed, hauling his well-defined ass towards us as he was obviously late for something…We were dumbfounded and called out – Hey You… and Yes, You…. And Hello and he answered, waved and smiled perfect teeth at us…sigh.

More hilarity, more laughter at times uncontrollable, a couple more Roy sites as we ran out of time, and we went back to St H and to a very long table at a very nice restaurant for dinner. During dinner, we visited with everyone; my pal Jutta and my new friend Sandy, my new friends from Germany, Austria and my old pal Sylvia from Switzerland, Diane, Magic Fingers, Hannah and all the other fun people that I have come to know as friends ate, laughed and enjoyed the fare (lobster in St. H – hello, we come from FL, California and Mass…oh well, it was good.).

When we came back to the hotel, some of us watched LFN dailies…quite a treat and hilarious to the point of pains in your stomach from laughing. Another all-nighter watching Michael beat the crap out of Nikita. You guys should have seen when she spits out fake blood unto his pant leg how he voluntarily makes this – ugghhh face – so un-Michael-like. Gosh, how I miss the series - - that is why every morning we got up at 6:00 am to see reruns in Canadian television.

The next day was the always fabulous Darkness Breakfast and the quite anticipated Defi-Vision race, but before this we had the auction. It was wonderful, demonstrating that Roy’s new work and image doesn’t devalue our old favorites and signed/unsigned memorabilia. I, for one, have more Roy stuff than I want or need, but knowing that if I buy it from the MIRA Charity auctions I may pay more but my money will help a cause that I care for, instead of giving it to something that doesn’t concern me, is an added bonus. I could go to E-Bay and get anything I want for the going rate of (for example) $.67 for Screamers. It is obvious that the sellers from Montreal have found us fans as willing purchasers of Roy’s work and hey they are not being stopped by anyone. My daughters for every occasion buy me Roy stuff and even bought a ‘free’ newspaper from EBay were his bare feet appear - talk about devalued images - that whole concept is just so humorous.

At the auction, we were offered LFN stuff -- what a treat especially for my friend Lady E with her DON point of view. We had hand made items by fans that are really artistic, how cool was the picture that Carol bought – black and white and shinny. I love my blanket, which also served to allow "Roy" to appear at the Defi-Vision race later on – I did have to fight quite a few bidders for it. Roy was at the race, all handsome and well-coifed and keeping us warm. You guys will see the photos as soon as the photographers in the group post their pics.

Next, as we do every year, we went to a movie theater to watch Roy in the big screen, what a treat that is, all 20 feet of him, instead of his 5’11” slight frame. Maurice Richard is a powerful movie that is half in English and half in French. Bacause Maurice was a brooding character who spoke very little we were able to follow the part of the story in French. The account is very compelling and actually quite universal in its context. We felt for the Quebecois people; we understood the turmoil in the family and the time; we actually loved those incredible hockey shots. We were ecstatic to see that Roy didn’t lie last year when he told us he could skate – man, can he skate.

Only disappointment, and I know, I know…was that the movie ended with a shot of Maurice Richards’ beautiful eyes being portrayed by Roy’s fantastic green stare covered by brown contacts. Let’s face it, Roy is famous for his green stare and his expressive eyes and that juxtapose of characteristics bothered me some. But anyhow, I loved the movie; Roy did an excellent job probably because of his repetition of the portrayal in his third time out lent him a familiarity with the character that showed through. Again Joyce thank you for allowing us to view it on the large screen – it is always a treat to watch Roy and eat popcorn.

The Defi-Vision race is by far my most favorite activity…it is phenomenal to see these visually impaired people shed their labels and drive – this year like the wind. My goodness, what came over them? Perhaps because Roy’s ‘face’ (his words) was not in danger they were a little looser, more risky or perhaps those professional race car drivers interacting with the blind was the reason. We were on our feet the entire time; I had an autistic child in front of me with his MIRA caretaker and the child was jumping up and down and screaming with sheer joy.

The drivers were up on the wall, their tires shrilling and smoking, the hoods opened, the copilots calling out hair-pin turns… incredible. This year the flag-waving went to Joyce and I, for one, didn’t envy her position; she stood the whole time on a tiny tower. Wow, what a thrill this year’s race was. JennS heard some women say this would be the last year of the race – that would be a shame – because it would mean that mean spirited people were able to successfully deny the MIRA clients their just reward for the sake of who knows why… inconceivable!

The presence of MIRA's higher-ups was more tangible this year at the race, and suddenly Blaise Lemay came over and introduced us to a very handsome Quebecois television star who flashed those incredible eyes and teeth at us and charmed us with his company. I never got the hunk’s name because of the roar of the engines, but then… It took me about a year to get to know M. Dupuis’ name. Blaise then proceeded to give Joyce a gold 25 Year Anniversary pin as further thanks for her hard work on behalf of the charity. We always feel so welcome with the MIRA people; they are so genuine, so normal…

Well, maybe not normal. Outside in the parking lot as we said our adieus to this wonderful group of people, Stacey (is it always Stacey? No wait sometimes it is Beth and sometimes it is KG and sometimes it is either Jenn… the list goes on) started the whole ‘MIRA Men Gone Wild’ thing. We raised quite a few bucks while these men took off their ‘Staff’ shirts for us and autographed them – Now that I think about it, a Torontoan (?) roommate of Jutta by the name of Sandyb started it all with Simon’s shirt – Love this woman, we are going to Toronto to go looking for ‘Waldo’ with Jutta and Sandyb and we know Jutta always finds Waldo. First, Jutta and Sandyb spend time alone with Roy in Toronto at the Premiere of The Rocket and then this…what luck some women have. No wonder they are envied by so many – “I’ll be watching you.” (Sting honey I keep on quoting you.) It seems that the entire Belle Province is full of hunks. LOL

Again on Friday, we were up until the wee hours of the night, laughing until we were crying and drinking very expensive and tasteful hurricanes. We said goodbye to our friends on Saturday morning, chatted with the Costco people who are looking forward to donating to MIRA and again made promises, we will keep, of meeting each other again next year. Some went to brunch, others went to shop (like the European contingency) and others went home bringing this year’s Charity Event to an end.

Thanks again to Joyce for her unending labor, which is an inspiration. You are a true charitable heart and your love for MIRA’s clients is motivating. To MIRA, to their staff and directors, to Montreal and to St. H thank you for always being so hospitable. Thanks to all of you, my extended family, dear friends for the memories and for the joy. To The Dude for putting up with us my husband says – Wow!

I loved this year’s event; it surpassed all previous ones and you guys – every single one of you, were absolutely marvelous. To the Tattooed Girls who came up with those poetic cards, my hats off to you two ladies. To my traveling companions, KG, Sylvia, Jenn and Esther – let’s learn how to read a map for next time. LOL. I believe that the reduced group was cozier, I loved the fact we could interact with each and every one of those in attendance.

I also believe the absence of Mr. Dupuis that we knew would happen at some point and accepted it gladly, made the whole event less tense. There were no expectations, just a relaxed group of wild friends having a ball and doing some good for other human beings – how much better could it get. To the rest of the attendees – thank you, thank you, and thank you for the great time, can’t wait to repeat this again.

And now to explain ‘AMLC’ that we brought up in another thread – sorry it will remain a mystery only JennS, LadyE and I can know. Wish I could tell you all, but I can’t. Just suffice it to say it is in French and it talks of friendship in spite of obstacles that become rusted when not in use. AMLC!!!!!

Hugs and Love y’all
LoveRoy - Maria

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Subject Author Date
Brava!! Brava!! Brava!!DianeFriday, June 30, 05:42:52pm
Great job, Maria!!JaronSaturday, July 01, 04:41:27am
Is this about Erik?Hahcie (Waves madly @ the ladies & "The Dude"!!!!)Saturday, July 01, 08:34:13am
Maria, your debrief was great as usual. Thanks for thesignme1Saturday, July 01, 11:14:03am
Thank you Maria...AmandaSaturday, July 01, 08:56:20pm
Great debriefSandy MSaturday, July 01, 09:25:44pm
Sounds like you all had a BLAST!!!! I have to ask...??Mary *waving at all the LFN fans*Saturday, July 01, 10:09:15pm
mira 25th ann. debriefilvmsSunday, July 02, 08:33:19am
Hats off to youTheDudeSunday, July 02, 11:23:57pm
GREAT DEBRIEF!!!Josephine_oneMonday, July 03, 09:36:00am

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