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Subject: 1x07: Souls

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Date Posted: 11:50:04 04/04/04 Sun
Author Host/IP: cache3-glfd.server.ntli.net/
In reply to: Gemma 's message, "1x07: Souls" on 11:48:54 04/04/04 Sun


Gus Lane?


Faith runs towards what she thinks is Angel.

My god! What are you doing here in Joe? I don’t know exactly what’s going on but as soon as we find this Gus guy we’ll have everything sorted and have you back in LA

Angelus stands and looks from Spike to Faith. Then backhands Faith, sending her into the fourth row of seating, knocking her unconscious.

When will you idiots ever learn to use your brains? Ever hear of anagrams? Gus Lane, mix it around you get..For the chance to keep your soul and I take the other person’s instead.. Drum roll please…
Angel sweeps his hand around in a long arc pointing to a still unconscious Faith to..

You William.. It’s going to have to be. So what IS the million-dollar questions answer?

Spike looks towards Faith- no movement. Anger flashes across his face, then he composes himself. He raises his chin a bit higher and looks straight into Angelus’ eyes.

Lane Gus?

Oh wrong answer sorry you lose out
(Fake pouts)
And I was really looking forward to getting me some ‘Faith’.
I think now that William’s all human and good he’s trying to grow some balls and save the damsel. Tsk, tsk
But kudos for trying. Think I’m going to cut you some slack..you know for old times sake.
(Looks towards Faith)
I always knew Faith was a bore and didn’t put up much of a fight….

Angelus walks over and slings an arm around Spike’s shoulders. He looks at it in distain.

So like that In the sack too is she? Maybe she needs a real man

Well she’s not going to get it from you is she? From what I’m guessing you need a little help ‘standing to attention’, so much so you need help from another guy.

Angelus removes his arm and feigns a shocked look.

I’m so hurt. Never heard you complain did I? ..or Dru for that matter. Tell me how is dear Dru? I think I might pay her a visit..you know dip the wick a little

Angelus pretends to grabs onto hips and pumps a few times.

Little’s right

Spike notices Faith wake and creep towards the stage.

Really thought you were gone for good, seemin’ as Angel’s human again and all. Got a big plan all mapped out have we?

Oh it’s a brilliant plan!
(Claps his hands together)
You see because of Angel’s little request to the Oracles, about letting everyone he’s ever harmed live again; I it seems get a second chance. I’m their little mistake. Granted they made a bigger mistake by not giving me control of MY OWN BODY.

Faith pauses, then as Angelus continues she soundlessly jumps onto the stage. She spies the gun and starts towards it.

You see I’m a soul in my own right.

You a soul? Pull the other one.

Poor William still living in the dark ages. I’ve got soul..In fact I’m all soul.

I can hear the Aretha Franklin just waiting to bust out of you Angelus

Angelus comes right up to Spike’s face.

Having a soul means nothing if you don’t use it. Nothing in the soul guidebook says you have to be all good if you have one. Might do you good to try and live more on the dark side of yourself, you’d learn that. Imagine the fun we could have again. Well when I’m whole and I’m betting a slayer’s soul essence is just the thing I need to stay here permanently. Write that down in your book of poetry.

Spike sees from the corner of his eye that Faith is about to trip over something on the floor that she hasn’t noticed because her eyes haven’t left Angelus.

I’ve got a better one.
Angelus was a stupid git
Like a girl he does hit
Doesn’t know when his ass is licked
Until from Spike it does get kicked

How could you talk to your grand-sire that way? We’re still family. I even offered to spare you.

Oops Was I a tad bit rash? I’m sorry my mouth sometimes gets the better of me. Who the hell am I trying to kid! I’d talk to you that way again, only I’d more than likely do this first

Spike grins and launches a right hook at Angelus, just at Faith trips. Angelus is spun around towards Faith. He sees her look towards the gun, which is closer to him.

Don’t think so.

Both he and Faith dive for the gun. Spike grabs for Angelus. Angelus grabs one end of the gun with his fingertips. Spike grabs Angelus around the middle, from behind.

(Through gritted teeth)
Really, not the time William.
But please DO remember this position for later.

Angelus tries to get a better grip on the gun while attempting to elbow Spike. He misses.

If at first you don’t succeed try again.

And fail again and fail better!

She grabs the middle of the gun, accidentally pressing a button and sending out the red ray towards Angelus. It hits Angelus as he throws Spike in front of him. Joe’s body falls to the ground, leaving Angelus standing there.

Spike (laughing):
Well, well, well, ain’t this a turn of events. Poor Angelus is bodiless again. Looks like you’ve lost your balls old timer.

Angelus (gesturing down to Spike’s feet):
Not the only one

Spike looks down and sees his body lying beneath him.


You can beat him Spike! Joe said so.

And what are you going to do?

Faith lays down on the stage and lights up a cigarette.

Spike (frustrated):
Oh yeah that’d be right lay on your ass and make me do all the hard work

Faith glares at Spike, takes another drag, leans back and shuts her eyes.

This is all your fault you kn…

Spike goes flying as Angelus kicks him in the stomach.

You always were all talk.

Spike leaps up and runs towards Angelus. He jumps into the air and spins, kicking towards Angelus. Angelus ducks, Spike misses and lands facing Angelus.

What the f…

Angelus has his game face on. He then takes advantage of Spike’s shock, upper cutting him and then grabbing Spike in a headlock. Spike struggles to free himself, but is unable as Angelus sends him face down towards the stage, making Spike grunt in pain. Spike rolls over onto his back.

See I am better than you Spike.

Don’t count on it!

Spike brings his foot up and kicks Angelus right through the wall at the back of the stage.

Any time you feel like helping out feel free Faith.

Faith smiles.

Why when you’re doing such a bang-up job? He’s right he’s better than you.

Anger flashes across Spike’s face.

He isn’t nor ever was better than me!

Spike storms to the back of the stage and into a room behind it.

Faith (to herself):
He may not be but you sure are easier to stir up than Angelus.

Spike looks around the room for Angelus. He sees movement to his left and ducks, just as Angelus swings a metal chair leg at him. Spike punches Angelus.

Spike: Angelus:
I am..
(Punch) oomph!
(Punch) grunt
(Back-hand) Angelus drops the metal leg.

Faith (from behind):
Green for corporeal, yellow for into gun…or was that yellow for corporeal, green for into gun….Damn it!

Come to help have we Faith? As you can see I have things under …

Angelus grabs Spike around the throat and squeezes hard. Spike claws at Angelus’ hands.

Crap! Yellow or green? I knew I shoulda learned how to listen better

She places her fingers over the buttons and steps forward. The floor cracks and breaks sending faith falling through it. Her fingers press on the buttons and all three rays shoot out, stopping when the gun hits the floor and breaks into pieces.

Angelus lets go of Spikes throat and starts laughing.

Well look at me all corporeal again. Guess it sucks to be you William. Destined to spend your life as a soul. Give my regards to Faith. I’m off to settle an old score.

Angelus blows a kiss at Spike and walks towards the front of the building. Spike squats down his head in his hands. Faith crawls out of the hole in the floor.


Spike stand up angrily, shaking his fist at Faith.

Look what you’ve done to me! I knew you’d make me lose myself but sure as hell thought it would be in you not ‘cause of you!

Don’t you go blaming me. It was you’re lack of driving skills that landed us here in the first place!

But it’s you who broke the gun!

The floor broke!

Do you realize what it’s going to be like for me now? I’ll never be able to touch y … another woman again. Look I’ll go up to a woman and walk straight through her.

Spike runs towards Faith to demonstrate and crashes straight into her, sending them both to the ground. Spike on top of Faith.

Great now I’m a soul too.

Faith turns her head and looks into the hole.

Faith (happily):
There’s no body. You’re a real live boy again

Spike gives Faith a ‘what are you on’ look and then looks deep into her eyes.

Have I told you lately how much I love you?


Spike and Faith look towards Joe.

You’re alive

Faith goes to get up, kneeing Spike between the legs. Spike rolls off holding his crotch.

Oops … Just making sure you really are real
(To Joe)
How come you aren’t dead?

I think it’s because I had a soul to begin with before Gus got into me.

Go figure, all that time Angel wanted to get rid of him and all he would’ve had to do is call a soul-buster.

Spike walks over obviously still uncomfortable. (Well you imagine what it would be like to be knackered by a slayer ;))

Hey where’s your s.s.s and c.c.c. ing gone?

I believe it had something to do with having two minds vying for my thoughts. Kind of like having one of those songs, where one person starts one line and then another person starts with the same line but on the second line, only so much you can make sense of before your brain goes all pottery. I made a promise about your car, we better go and see how it’s going.

The three of them walk off.

(To Spike)
Can you imagine how pissed Angelus is gonna be when he realizes he’s not all there

I guarantee he’ll be struttin’ along ready for the big moment …

Cut to:
Angelus striding down the street in vamp face towards a young girl. The young girl screams but cannot move as she is paralyzed in fear. Angelus grabs for her, but his arms go straight for her. The girl finds her legs and runs. Angelus raises his hands skywards and shakes them.

Damn you both. You’re all going to pay!

Cut to:

Only to find out that Chucky’s been downgraded to a cabbage patch kid.


Special guest star by:
David Boreanaz as ANGELUS

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