Subject: 1x07: Souls |
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Date Posted: 11:48:54 04/04/04 Sun
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A man with glasses holds a metallic gun with flashing buttons, stands in an opera theater. A large woman stands on the stage singing to an audience of around 10 people.
I d.d.d…don’t want it. P.p.p.please don’t mmmmake me.
He grabs his head.
It’s w.w.wrong. P.p.p.people need their ssssouls. It’s mmmmurder!
He grabs at his head again.
Ok! OK!
The audience turns towards the shouting man issuing shh’s.
Man (quieter):
Yes the dddd..doors are b..b..barricaded. There’s no w.w.way out.
He grabs at his head, shakes it, stands and aims the gun at a female audience member. He fires a red beam towards her. As it hits her, her body disappears; her soul rises into the air. The woman who had been sitting next to her screams, starting pandemonium. The man presses another button on his gun and aims it at the rising soul. He fires again, this time emitting a yellow beam, which pulls the woman’s soul into the gun. He waits a second, and then pulls a slot open on the side, revealing a syringe. He injects himself, falls to the ground in pain as his features are pulled this way and that. He covers his head as the transformation completes itself. The new form stands and heads towards the group of people trying to get out the doors. A low evil laugh is heard, the glasses get thrown, then a familiar to us voice.
Familiar voice:
Trying to leave so soon? Tut-tut! The shows only just begun and I have a feeling you’re all about to star in the final act of helping me exist.
One of the audience men breaks the door open as a woman screams. They flee from the theater, unhurt.
Familiar voice (calls after them):
Hey if you wanted to be in the chorus- line all you had to do was say!
Eliza Dushku as Faith
James Marsters as Spike
Guest starring:
Saverio Guerra, Chris Hemsworth
Spike and Faith are driving along a sealed road, heading towards a lighted town.
Faith (yelling over the music):
10 bucks says you hit the sign
Spike looks across towards Faith.
I told you before I’ve given that up…But never let it be said that I, Spike, passed up on a sure winner. You’re on sweet cheeks.
He turns back towards the road and is confronted by the male with glasses from earlier, ambling across the road in front of them. He swerves the car to avoid collision.
Hold on we’re in for a ride!
Faith grabs the door handle, as Spike fights for control of the car. He finally regains control only to hit an oil patch. The car wheels lose traction and starts to skid uncontrollably. Its path is halted as it hits a sign with the words ‘Welcome to..’ There’s no name just a lot of black spray paint.
Spike jumps out and walks to the front of the car. The sign is sticking out of the radiator. Faith gets out grinning, licks her finger touches it to her bottom and makes a ‘sss’ sound, before extending a hand.
Cough it up!
Spike grumbling, reaches into his pocket and pulls out 10 dollars.
Bloody hell! This is the last time. I swear it. You know if you were the devil, you’d have won my soul by now.
What do ya say to double or nothin’? I’m going to need the cash to get this fixed.
Faith plucks the money from Spike’s hand and shoves it into her bra, as Spike gestures towards the radiator.
No double or nothings. I’ll do you the favor of not taking that … yet.
Man’s voice:
A.a.a.are you okay? I d.d.d…didn’t mean do that.
Faith and Spike turn towards the glasses wearing man.
I’m J.j.j.Joe King.
Spike (angered):
You? Do you realize what you’re little joke just cost me?
No. I’m J..j.Joe King..Hang on.
The man reaches into his pocket, pulls out a card and hands it to Faith.
Joe King..Souls got you in a twirl? Then give me a whirl…
Hmm, that’s snappy. He’s telling the truth
Well in that case, that name must’ve been a real bummer at school! I’m Spike.
Joe grabs his head.
(Composes self as Faith and Spike give each other a weird look)
T.t.t.that’s a bummer of a name t.t.t. also. Someone once tried to mmmmake me call mmyself Gus Lane b.b.b.but it d.d.d.di’t work. Look go into and sssstay the night. I’ll get your fixed for you. I sssshould
Too right you should!
(To Spike)
Shh..Gift horse and all.
(To Joe)
So where do you recommend? Your treat? I mean we weren’t plannin’ on stayin’ or anything….
My t.t.treat. Go to the mmmotel on the left..Barry’s..
If you say so.
Spike turns on his heels and starts walking up the road.
Faith (hurriedly to Joe):
Thanks. Don’t mind him. Manners never were his for..for somethin’. You right with the car?
Joe nods. Faith smiles and runs after Spike, hitting him in the arm as she reaches him.
You know using manners never killed anyone.
Neither did not using them.
Behind them Joe smiles
I wouldn’t be ssso ssssure of that dear W.w.willliam
A guy stands in the dim light of a street lamp, facing towards the nearby darkness. To a passer-by it would appear he was talking to himself.
So let me get this straight. You want me Willy to clearly send this person on a wild-goose chase, in exchange for clearing my debt with the IRS? How do you even know he’ll be there?
Familiar voice (from earlier):
Because if I know him it’ll be the first place he heads for seeming as there’s no brothels here.
You know you’re voice sounds known to me. You sure I don’t know you?
Familiar voice (frustrated):
NO YOU DON”T! Now do you understand everything?
Yep I’m play-acting for a blonde guy with a real attitude…Do you realize that could cover a hell of a lot of blonde guys? I used to own this bar…..
Familiar voice:
I said do it! I don’t have long to get this done! You’ll know exactly who it’s for when you see him. Pick a guy who’s you know from the past and that’ll be him.
Willy turns and begins to cross the street.
I don’t understand it but hey, if it can make those bills disappear who am I to argue. I’d do it dancing with bells on. Hey don’t have long? You gonna die or something?
Familiar voice:
GO, you imbecile!!
(Low to self)
These retched human souls don’t last more than 10 minutes at a time.
Just protecting my investment in this you know.
Willy stops and allows a car to pass before continuing across. The figure standing in the dark moves forward into the dim light, head lowered, face concealed by a hat.
Familiar voice:
And the game starts, beginning with you William.
He starts to slowly raise his head.
Familiar voice:
After all your soul is just the one to bring me fully back. I’ll be on my way to LA sooner than expected to pay an old rooming buddy a visit and thank those oracles for setting things up for me.
He reaches up and pulls off his hat.
Familiar voice:
That’s right world. Angelus is going home to get what’s his
Spike and Faith are sitting at a bar drinking beers.
He’d better damn well fix it properly.
Faith: He will don’t sweat on it. Sometimes you just need to have a little faith in people.
I’d rather have a little me in Faith
Dream on. I don’t think you’re really ready for the super-model that is
(Smiles and points towards herself)
Oh I’ve had super-models before.
Faith takes a mouthful of her beer.
Yeah right. I se you still have that dreamin’ thing goin’ on.
No, really. I’ve had lots of models and they were super.
(Grins cheekily)
Behind them Willy scans the room. His eyes settle on Faith and Spike.
Crap! Just my blooming luck. It would have to be him wouldn’t it. Maybe it’s someone else without a slayer for a date.
(Scans room hopefully)
Oh well alls fair in the home of no IRS bills.
Willy starts to run towards Faith and Spike.
Why I haven’t keeled over from your humor yet it…
Willy crashes in between Faith and Spike, sending Faiths beer flying up in the air and Spike’s into his teeth. Faith grabs her’s in mid air.
Spike/Faith Willy (panicked):
Hey! Bartender I need a beer..No after what I just saw make it a whiskey
Oh it’s you two.
Just what I need right now..after what I saw and all.
Willy grabs Faith’s beer and skulls it down.
Willy (stilted as if reading):
If only I could drink so much it would…
(Thinks for a second, mouthing out what he’s already said. He gets an A-ha look and continues)
It would cleanse my eyes of what I have witnessed.
(Fake swoons)
Never was real good at acting was he?
Faith shakes her head.
Cut the crap Willy. We could do this the old way..
Or the new way?
There’s a new way?
Yeah, makes more of a mess the new way. Much more satisfying.
Willy (quickly):
Ok. I’ll spill. Some guy just made me the deal of a lifetime. He’ll clean the slate with a few bills of mine if I sent you, Spike, to the opera theater near the start of town..Do you think you could rough me up a bit now?..Just to make it look like I put up a fight? Rep to uphold and everything.
Is there more?
Spill some more and I will.
I was supposed to say vampires had murdered a whole bunch of people there and I saw the whole thing.
Sounds like a trap to me but could be fun.
Spike grabs his coat and prepares to leave.
Could do with a scuffle. Ain’t getting’ any action here it appears.
Hey c’mon roughage first…You promised.
Faith walks up to Willy, pulls her fist back. Willy screws his face up ready. Faith leans towards him and kisses him on the cheek leaving a bright red lipstick mark.
Hey what’s that for? I said roughage but didn’t think it would lead to that sort of rough playing.
It’s Bon Voyage. Give my regards to Timbuktu (sp?)
Faith lets her fist fly, sending Willy flying over the bar. Patrons go silent and look towards Faith.
Ex.. Messy divorce….missed my counseling sessions on how to control my temper over him leaving me for….. a Ronald McDonald impersonator.
People nod in a ‘Fair enough’ manner and go back to what they were doing. Faith rolls her eyes and follows Spike out of the door.
A Ronald McDonald impersonator?
It was the first thing I thought of….. Must be a lot of RM haters out there
Must be. Let’s go do this dance
Cut to: Opera theater.
Faith and Spike enter, carefully looking around. Faith taps Spike on the arm to get his attention and points to a guy floating two feet off the ground near the stage. Spike signals to Faith to go down, towards it, on the left side and he’ll take the right. She nods and they creep off. Half way down the curtain at the back of the stage starts to move, as someone tries to get out. They both break into a run. Faith towards the curtain and Spike towards the floating figure. They both reach their destinations at the same time, both flying into a tackling leap. Faith hits her target while Spike goes straight through his.
Male voice and Spike:
Faith looks in shock at the writhing figure wrapped in the curtain that had ripped and wrapped itself around the figure. She starts tearing at it to get the person out.
Spike hobbles up the stairs and stands near Faith.
You ok?
Not you!
In that case! Thanks for asking. I’m fine and if I was big on caring I’d be..I’d be offended and all that seeming as I just took a dive through some bloody git who wants to play at I look real but you can’t touch me!
Faith rolls her eyes at Spike
(To Joe)
Bit of soul catching, eh? Look it’s not safe here for you. You’ll have to go
I.I.I know
You know?
Spike throws his hands in the air.
Just great it’s always the one you least expect! And you said we could trust him. Never going to get my car back now!
No. Your is nearly fixed. I
The floating soul swept in between Faith and Joe making Faith jump back. Joe aims his gun and fires, pulling the spirit into it. He grabs his head in pain. Faith and Spike give each other a “What the hell is going on’ look.
I never w.w.wanted this. He said if I d.d.did this he’d go awwway.
Who did? Do what?
Joe grabs hold of Faiths arm.
A sssoul can f.f.fight a sssoul, like a p.p.person can f.f.fight a p.person. gun. to make the soul, yellow to m.m.mmake the essence, green to mmmake whole again. you understand?
Yeah understand real good. Boys and their toys! You’ve got a traffic light for a gun mate.
Joe lets go of Faith and takes a few steps back. Slipping the syringe out of its place in the gun.
R.r.remember I’m ssssorry. G.g.gus Lane is to b.b.blame and he must sstopped.
He rams the syringe into his arm, and then falls to the ground, his features contorting.
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