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Date Posted: 09:46:34 05/17/06 Wed
Author: Calum M
Subject: Re: Intruders
In reply to: Hang On !!!!!!!!! 's message, "Re: Intruders" on 09:32:18 05/17/06 Wed

If this is the set of people 'Lofty' was referring to - I am sure he was only responding to what he had been told. It clearly sounds like the club riders concerned were not to blame - and I'm sure on that basis no criticism is being levied.

It takes so much effort to organise this event, don't let's start seeming to criticise the organisers - though I can udnerstand that you might have felt unfairly maligned (I have no idea which club is being referred to by the way - and I'm sure that goes for the majority of people reading the post, so little reputational damage is likely).

As a registered rider myself I have to confess to not having thought through the potential pitfalls of non-registered riders - but the bigger and more organised it gets, the less appropriate it is for others to join in I guess. Let's hope the message gets through - and then this sort of debate will not occur next year. And let's not forget - it remained a great event this year - despite everything!

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