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Date Posted: 13:51:38 12/10/04 Fri
Author: Kenneth Arthur
Subject: Delete mail from OE box folders from inside XPress

I have two items to inquire about possible additions:

1. It would be very helpful if we could delete the OE stored email messages, from within XPress as we save the images from XPress. I find that as I'm going through the images in XPress, invarably I will find that there are always some that I wish to temporarily ignore and maybe come back to another day. When I finish with that day's image saving, it becomes impossible to remember which ones I wanted to come back to on another day and which ones I have saved (and need to be deleted). I often have over 100 messages per day with even more images.

2. With, what seems to be, a massive movement happening from IE to Mozella's Firefox browser and what I expect to be a similar massive movement to Mozella's new email client Thunderbird, would it be possible, now that you have all of the basic knowledge, to create a new version of XPress that would be applicable for Thunderbird?


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