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Date Posted: 18:15:58 12/13/04 Mon
Author: Papa Bear
Subject: Re: Delete mail from OE box folders from inside XPress
In reply to: Kenneth Arthur 's message, "Delete mail from OE box folders from inside XPress" on 13:51:38 12/10/04 Fri

Answers have been interleaved with the questions both of which are superb!
>I have two items to inquire about possible additions:
>1. It would be very helpful if we could delete the OE
>stored email messages, from within XPress as we save
>the images from XPress. I find that as I'm going
>through the images in XPress, invarably I will find
>that there are always some that I wish to temporarily
>ignore and maybe come back to another day. When I
>finish with that day's image saving, it becomes
>impossible to remember which ones I wanted to come
>back to on another day and which ones I have saved
>(and need to be deleted). I often have over 100
>messages per day with even more images.

Understood! Out test data base grows by the 300 emails per day and perhaps 600 pix. It would be nice to delete or mark as read or something else as you go, and we thought about it a lot as you will see if you read on.

However, it violates a major principle of XPress Pix OE - it never writes to the OE databases so it should never be responsible for corrupting them. (It's not quite that simple but it's most of the story.)

Second - if it did write to the OE databases it would be very easy to have them become corrupt. There is no hand shaking provided by Microsoft for Outlook Express by their design and marketing strategies. (If you want other programs to interact with email then you need to buy Outlook, not use freebie OE.) In order to keep problems from happening XPress Pix OE would have to detect that OE was running and shut it down or refuse to run. Neither is the best idea in the world.

But the point remains would you really trust Baby Bear to write to your OE databases???? I wouldn't.

On a more positive note, if you have not done so study the suggestions for use on the Help menu. Your issue has been thought about, and there are a number of ways of handling it.

You could even delete messages in OE as you go along. NOT recommended. But you could.

>2. With, what seems to be, a massive movement
>happening from IE to Mozella's Firefox browser and
>what I expect to be a similar massive movement to
>Mozella's new email client Thunderbird, would it be
>possible, now that you have all of the basic
>knowledge, to create a new version of XPress that
>would be applicable for Thunderbird?

Thanks for the implied complement here. OE was chosen for the first effort for a couple of reasons. It comes free with Windows which means the potential market for it is 300 million plus! OE has a whole bunch of quirks that other programs don't have. At least one other popular program - Eudora - saves the images as separate files so that you can use other popular image viewing programs to see them. There are various third party products available for Outlook to handle images. More to the point Outlook has been more susceptable to malware, IMHO, than OE. One of the goals was to avoid malware infections. So that continues to consign Outlook to the no interest pile.

Finally, it remains to be seen how popular FireBird and Thunderbird are. Eudora has been out for years, and it is also free and easy to use. Do you know any one who uses it?-))) FireFox is getting great press, but IE is still 90% of the hits for the 3Bears web site. Netscape and Opera which have been around for years account for 2%. Mozilla (i assume both Mozilla and FireFox) is 8%. Not encouraging figures if you are trying to figure out what to do next!

I just downloaded Thunderbird and tried it. A bit slow but that will probably improve. More to the point it has its own database structure that at first blush is even more complex than that of Outlook Express. The one advantage is that it is likely to have lots of code available for free to read it.

When the market warrants it, XPress Pix TB might be doable because the code to read the database is quite separate from everything else.

What we do have in the pipeline is a XPress Pix. It deals with pictures that you have already put into folders on your hard drive. It has the same categorization features that XP OE has. In addition it has a nifty picture editor in it that allows you to touch up pix on the fly. Get rid of that overexposure haze, etc. UNKNOWN when this will be availble.


And thanks to you, Kenneth, for your thoughtful comments and for using and recommending XPress Pix OE. I do hope that reviewing Help | Suggestions will give you some ideas on how to use it even more conveniently.

Papa Bear

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  • Re: Delete mail from OE box folders from inside XPress -- Niels Halsteen, 22:08:08 01/14/05 Fri
  • Re: Delete mail from OE box folders from inside XPress -- Papa Bear, 11:16:33 01/26/05 Wed
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