Subject: Well son. |
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Date Posted: 06/23/05 2:42:08pm Thu
In reply to:
's message, "Okay, this is a warning." on 06/23/05 10:17:33am Thu
Myuler sighed.
"What is it Johan, I'm in a..." he said as he turned, and then -saw- the man. "Oh my."
His eyes saw a wreath of magic about the man, invisible to anyone else, but given his current...stature it was all that more visible to him.
Being a god is rather a lot like being a juggler...So long as you let it be effortless, it is rather easy, your body and the tiniest fraction of your mind does the work...But the moment you pay too much attention to any one ball...You drop things.
"I don't quite think I can help you with this one Johan. It is a polymorph, yes, but since it's so weak I can't tell what kind, or from where for that matter. Looks like it'll be pain though.."
His hand found the top of Wyrd's head and stroked the feathers. Wyrd's eyes looked up at the hand, then back to Johan, his jaws parting gently as his tongue lolled out and hung to the side, like a common dog.
"I can, however, reverse it once it's completed. From the looks of it, you've got, hmm...about an hour before it starts to take effect, so if you're in the middle of anything, I suggest you finish it, and then come to my house. I'll meet you there."
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