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Date Posted: 17:08:43 10/20/06 Fri
I went to see the doctor today for my Procrit, follow-up for my head and chest cold, and the CT scan results. I had great news!! First, my cold is only in my sinuses and it drains into my chest. It did not actually drop to my chest. The difference is…. Since it’s in my sinuses and it’s draining into my lungs, the antibiotic should work fairly quickly. If it were actually an infection in my lungs, he would worry that it would turn to pneumonia. Thank God, it’s not there.
Now for the real good news. Four of the masses in my lungs are now gone or at least undetectable, including the largest one from the start of this monster in 2003. Most of the rest are smaller. The ones that have not shrunk have stayed the same. That’s good news too. The eleven paratracheal lymph nodes in my chest bone are also not visible. The radiologist that read the films said he thought there is a new 7 mm mass. Dr. Hahn in all of his wisdom said, he does not believe it is a new mass, he believes, and I quote, he "believes it is snot". I thought I’d lose it!!

I honestly believed when I walked in there I was going to be told the old standard “we’re gonna have to change your chemo, they are growing”. What a wonderful shock to hear good news instead. My first thought was THANK YOU LORD!!!!
I do not have any news about the cancer in other areas such as my brain or right hip, but we choose to believe this new chemo is working as well every where else. The only way to tell would be to have other scans in those specific areas however Dr. Hahn does not see the need for that right now especially after today’s news.
For all the prayers and well wishes you all have sent for me, from the bottom of my heart…thank you. Please keep them coming.
I can finally do the dancing chicken again!!

Last edited by author: Fri October 20, 2006 17:50:56
Edited 2 times.
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