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Date Posted: 22:31:58 10/31/06 Tue

I had chemo today. IT'S ACTUALLY MY 7TH ROUND of this kind of chemo!

The last two times I started this chemo regiment, each time Dr. Hahn had a different Oncology resident with him that would examine me first. Then Dr. Hahn would examine me. The last one told Dr. Hahn that she was so amazed by me. She couldn't believe how well I'm doing with all the chemo I've had in my system and all the problems I've had. And how much cancer was in my body. Nobody knew about the CT scan results then. So I'm even better now than when she saw me. Even my radiation oncologist is delighted with my amazing condition. We know where that's coming from....

I'm getting a little bit of hair growth on my head. It really popped out over the weekend. When I woke up Sunday morning I really noticed it. Everyone has commented on it. Dr. Hahn laughed at me and my hair because it's not supposed to grow back while on this particular chemo. His words were, "usually it doesn't come back in, but your body never read the text book, you're always different". He said that my good fast growing cells have a lot of healing strength if I'm getting hair back. That's great to hear.

Last time we left the port-a-cath needle in all three days. That way I wouldn't have to get stuck all three chemo days. It worked out well so we did that again.

When things get tough, always remember...
Faith doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it!!

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[> Subject: COUNTS

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Date Posted: 10:36:00 11/01/06 Wed


WBC 5.5

RBC 3.77


CRIT 35.8

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