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Date Posted: 19:01:31 01/02/07 Tue
I started my tenth round of this chemo today without any trouble. My counts look great!!
WBC (white blood cells) = 10.1 Normal 4.8 – 10.8
RBC (red blood cells) = 4.22 Normal 4.20 – 6.10
Hematacrit = 39.6 Normal 37.0 – 52.0
Platelets = 231 Normal 140 – 440
I was quite delighted to see them!!
Although everything is good and has been over the weekend. I did have an incident at the doctor's office on Friday. While seeing Jeannette (my nurse)I was sitting there waiting for her to get my Procrit shot ready so I could warm it up when suddenly it was like my right eye was looking into a bright light then looking away. When you look away, all you can see is whiteness and nothing else. It is blinding. I could not see for all the whiteness. I kept squinting that eye trying to see out of it. Jeannette asked me why I was doing that. I told her that my eye was acting weird. She asked me if I wanted Dr. Padgette to see me since Dr. Hahn was on vacation. I said yea. She asked me if she should call someone to come pick me up. I declined.
Other than the right eye, I was feeling fine. Then it started getting bad and continued to get worse. As it was initially getting worse, in my right peripheral vision I could see trembling white lines that looked like water along with darkness. It was as if everything looked like an overexposed negative. I could see a silhouette but the dark coloring was weird. It had gold’s, dark oranges, and chrome looking colors in the silhouette. Dr. Padgette asked me if I was on a seizure medicine. I told him about the Depakote but explained that this was not like when I had an aura before. Not that this was not an aura but it was not like before. I have had three auras. The first time I had the seizure I saw a black rectangle box full of gold stars in my left eye then lost consciousness. The second time Dad was here, I was seeing gold stars in both eyes then felt like a seizure was coming on but one didn’t. At that time Dr. Hahn said the brain could have still been "misfiring" but the Depakote kept me from having another seizure. The third time I was alone I was seeing white and gold stars out of both eyes. I called Mom and asked her to come over. I didn't call the doctor about that one, it was so mild. This incident may have been my fourth one.
I told him about how the left side of my head gives me so much trouble. I told him I normally take Advil or Aleve for it but it was so bad last night that I took 30 mg’s of Morphine. I ended up waking up three hours later and threw up several times. I told him that was probably from the Morphine. He asked me what kind of seizure I had. I told him that Dr. Hahn called it a Grand Mal. He asked if I lost consciousness. I said yes. He examined my eye but my pupils were too small to see my retina. He prescribed Decadron until I see Dr. Hahn. He also suggested getting an MRI of my head soon.
Then while I was sitting there it was like a wave came over me and I could feel my eye getting better. The wave felt like relief. My sight was not perfect but it was incredibly better. Since it was, I walked out to my X-Terra. When I got in it started acting up again so I sat there for a little while until my eye completely cleared up.
The entire event took approximately 45 minutes. I never felt bad though I just could not see out of that eye.
I left and drove over see Mom at her job. I wanted to tell her what happened. This was around 4:00 so when I got ready to leave, she followed me to CVS then home. She was concerned so she asked her boss if she could leave. She did not like the fact that I drove that far. We drove home. A little while later she called me to ask me if I wanted to join them for dinner. Aunt Nancy was having pork chops, macaroni and cheese, and black-eyed peas. Of course, I said yes so Tyler and I went over. Dinner was good. Thanks Mom and Aunt Nancy.
I sure hope that never happens again, it was a little scary. I hope and pray that it is not a sign that something is wrong. Lord, I pray this in your name. Please let me continue to get better and not go backwards. I love you, Amen.
I'll be seeing Dr. Hahn tomorrow (Wednesday), I imagine he'll be setting me up for an MRI. I didn't say anything since I didn't think of it until later. But I'm going to ask him if it could have anything to do with the blood clot in my chest. I've been having a lot of light-headedness when I stand up and when I bend over now. Similar to when the large vein originally got blocked up pretty good. It's been happening for a couple of weeks now (of course all this started after I saw him last).
Last edited by author: Tue January 02, 2007 23:31:20
Edited 1 time.
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