Author: Stacy
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Date Posted: 05:04:44 01/11/07 Thu
Lisa, I hope you don't mind me posting this on my web site also since it's on yours. I wasn't happy to hear about your results and I want you to have as many prayers as possible. Let those Angels rest on your shoulders and let God carry you in his hand. You know how precious that is! I love ya cous'! Stacy
My "cancer-cousin" friend Lisa got her results back today. I want to make sure she can get all tons and tons of prayers. She is really a wonderful person and I enjoy having her as my friend. I know you'd love her too. She's the one with the cancercousins web site that I have a link to above.
This is Lisa:

These are the contents of her email:
Unfortunately, the report isn't good. The new chemo regimen really didn't do anything to stop the cancer and it seems to be spreading like wildfire. I do have a lot of lung involvement, 2 more spots in my liver, many involved lymph nodes and multiple skeletal metastases, mostly in the spine. I kind of expected this since my tumor markers have been steadily increasing. Maybe the walking pneumonia played a part in this - maybe all the supplements I took to get over the pneumonia may have hindered the effect of the chemo - who knows. All I know is that really I'm running out of time.
We're switching to a new chemo drug called Navelbine. This drug belongs to the general group of chemotherapy drugs known as plant (vinca) alkaloids. It is used to treat lung cancer and breast cancers by stopping cell division, resulting in cell death. I was assured it was a strong drug but only takes about 30 minutes. How funny is that - the more advanced I get, the less my infusion times become. I'll get this on a weekly basis - 3 weeks on with 1 week off. I'm also being switched from Neulasta to Neupogen for my white blood cells. They're basically the same product, like Jello and Royal, but Neulasta can only be injected every 14 days and with weekly chemo, I'll get the Neupogen with only lasts for 7 days. As long as I can keep my blood count up, I can stay on this regimen. If not, I'll have to have it every other week.
My Dr is also contemplating radiation as well along with the chemo. I'm still feeling strong, especially since I'm almost over the pneumonia, so I can handle that. That's still my biggest question - how can I feel this good and be in such bad shape? I really don't have any back pain and the only soreness that I have right now is just from the constant coughing from the pneumonia. All I know is the fact that I still have a lot of fight left and a lot of determination.
See, my Dr and I don't discuss survival rates, percentages, or time left because we just don't know. Everyone is different and medical miracles happen all the time. So, if you're searching for a clue as to if I'm considered terminal or not, you'll never know that, nor will I. Some may call it denial, but I would just rather concentrate on beating this, not dwelling on my odds. It's true that people can succumb just from a diagnosis alone long before the disease ever takes them. We'll see what happens with this new drug and pray I see some improvement for a change. Thanks again for the many prayers and thoughts. I love you all!
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