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Date Posted: 19:23:40 03/05/07 Mon

I have been having problems with my right leg for a while now. The nerves in my leg give me a fit. It starts in the right quadrant of my abdomen directly to the right of the belly button by about 3 – 4 inches and continues all the way down my right butt cheek, all sides of my entire right leg, knee, and my entire foot but particularly the underside of the foot and the big toe. The nerve problem feels like an itching and tickling sensation inside of the leg. The skin on my abdomen feels almost like sunburn, very tender. Starting a few days ago, I started having a lot of pain in the inner thigh of the right leg. Nothing I do or take relieves the pain. Advil, heat, and massage do not work. The pain is too deep. Getting in and out of my car is VERY difficult. Going up and down stairs is not easy either. I have also felt like my leg was going to give out several times.

I saw Dr. Hahn today to start ROUND 13 of my chemotherapy. I told him about the nerve issue again. I had made him aware of it on my February 12 visit. He said something is definitely going on since I have so much trouble moving the leg and I cannot feel temperatures on the back and inner area of the thigh. He said I should have an MRI of the lumbar and sacral spine plus the right hip.

I go for the first part of the MRI this Thursday, March 8th at 11:00am and the second part on Tuesday, March 13th at 10:30 am.

Good grief, between the left shoulder pain, left arm Lymphedema, and the right leg nerves and pain…. It is hard to get anything accomplished including sleeping. Try turning over or switching sides when you can’t use the arm and shoulder on one side and the leg on the other side.

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[> Subject: MRI

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Date Posted: 16:34:35 03/08/07 Thu

I ended up having both MRI's today. I had the right hip and the lower spine done (Lumbar and Sacral spine). That was great so now I don't have to go back on Tuesday. Don't know the results yet. Guess I'll find out in a few days. I'm just thrilled I got it all out of the way today.

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[> [> Subject: Good Lord!

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Date Posted: 22:11:36 03/08/07 Thu

Good Lord Stacy - we're both falling apart at the seams! I got some pain too but no match for what you're going through. Have you tried any Rx pain meds? I love Percocets but you have to be careful of the constipation they can cause. Sorry to hear you're having such a tough time right now - but at least it's nothing that will kill you, right? I know it's hard to keep going sometimes but we're too young to cash in our chips. Hang in there Baby!

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