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Subject: UPDATE

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Date Posted: 22:46:28 03/28/07 Wed

I went to see Dr. Hahn Monday for chemo. He decided to suspend chemo until after the radiation is complete. Particularly the radiation to the c-spine. He said the chemo increases the size of the vessels. It is too risky to have the increased vessels in the spinal cord along with the cancer mass. Don't need anything causing a blockage.

I will have another CT scan on Friday, April 6th of my chest to see if the chemo has stopped working there. Especially since the cancer has showed up in three new areas. I'll see Dr. Hahn again on Monday, April 9th. At that time he will decide our plan of action. I may ask him for another MRI of the brain. My balance has gotten so bad, I'm afraid the masses in my brain are growing also.

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[> Subject: My Prayers Are With You!

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Date Posted: 21:22:54 03/29/07 Thu

I'm so sorry to hear you're having such a bad time. Please know that my prayers and friendship are with you. I hate to see you go through so much pain; you're such a strong person and have been through so much already. You know you can email me anytime you need a friend!

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