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Subject: Missing you

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Date Posted: 16:01:21 12/26/17 Tue

Hey Stacy...I am missing my girl so much. Another Christmas without you. They just aren't the same anymore. You and the babies always made it exciting... Mark and Jacki came over yesterday and we celebrated Christmas day. Without them I wouldn't even bother to do anything...they make my day when they are here. . They are very lucky to have each other. It amazes me how much they have in common. They can talk the same talk...enjoy the same things, and they really understand each other. Jacki's Kids are great too. I never thought I would see the day Mark cared so much about Kids...and they all really seem to care about him. If common law were still on the books..they would be an old couple by now! LOL I wish you were here to see how much Mark does care. DO they celebrate Christ's birth in Heaven? I do say Happy Birthday to him on Christmas day...

Aunt Nancy is going to go to NC to be with and help Kris for a while. I don't know how long she will stay. I understand her wanting to go but this time of the year is not a good time. There is so much Holiday traffic, and you never know about the weather...I worry about a surprise storm. Aunt Jo is feeling pretty weak and poor too. She is doing a lot of resting... I hate everyone is getting older and sickly... I pray everyone soon will be well again. Uncle William is still hanging in there, but he doesn't know us anymore...it is very sad.

I hope you may already know all this, but maybe God shields His angels from sad times...?

I love and miss you..I miss so much but most of all just being with you.

Mom ♥♥

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