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Date Posted: 07/25/04 10:10am
Author: Elven
Subject: .:Maybe..or maybe Not:.
In reply to: Aliéné 's message, "::-:Me too. But you'd hate me if you knew...:-::" on 07/25/04 2:49am

Consumed in her own torment and struggle, Elven failed to note the manner in which the stallion looked away. She remained silent until his questions had ceased and silence once again filled her pricked auds.

.:The Exodus was a new territory led by the former Evil King, Adrian:. she replied automatically. Visions of the place filled her mind, visions that also included the figure of the one who'd broken her heart. Steeling her heart against the face that filled her mind's eye, the mare continued with her explanation.

.:I don't know what's happened to the area since I last visited so the one you're in search of may or may not still be there. He's not exactly known for sticking around:. The icy monotony of her tone had cracked on her last statement, becoming bitter and almost angry. Clenching her jaw, the valkyrie lowered her gaze, ashamed that she'd revealed even that small part of her angst.

.:You'll find it past the Evil lands:. she continued almost softly, regret evident in the thrumming timbre of her voice. Dark burning embers remained downcast, Elven apparently unwilling to look upon the stallion's features again. She was afraid that if she did, she'd see a resemblance that would confirm her fears beyond any shadow of a doubt. Then again, what did it matter? It had been made clear that he didn't care for her anymore and would rather tend to his new 'duties' or disappear entirely. Still, Elven didn't want to add that last straw, afraid of what the consequences might be.

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