- Change the Law for charge-downs? -- g, Sun, November 09 2008, 18:55:21 GMT-10 [1]
I would like to propose a change in the Laws regarding chareg-downs. The way the Laws stand at present, if you are successful in executing a chargedown, you are penalised, in a way, by the other team getting the tackle-count restarted. However, if you accidentally get in the road of a kick, and effectively charge it down by accident, then the other team does not get the tackle-count restarted.
So basically, you gain a greater outcome by the accidental charge-down than by being skillful and effecting a deliberate chareg-down. There is no reward for skill, rather a penalty!
So why not change the Laws so that a charge-down is NOT counted as a play at the ball for the purpose of the tackle count? Lets reward a skill of the game!
Imagine if you culd charge-down a kick knowing that there was no restart to the tackle count?? Think of the games on grand final day that went into overtime, and how a free chargedown may have changed the way they were played.
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- The 2 referee system - thoughts? -- Greg Pfeiffer, Sun, March 15 2009, 10:32:19 GMT-10 [3]
The system has operated a little differently to how I had imagined it from the initial descriptions. I had assumed that the 2nd referee would be positioned in a closer proximity to the tackle / ruck area. However, it seems the 2nd referee is following the position that is commonly used in touch football, that is, behind the attacking line. This position does seem to loose the impact of the referee at the tackle / ruck.
Probably the only snags so far have been:
- when using the 80/20 system, both referees are ending up on the same side of the PTB on occasions after a handover
- when there is some sort of turnover or change of possession and it may not be clear who is the head referee, there have been simultaneous and contrary calls by the 2 officials.
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- Whistle grip -- go410, Sat, March 21 2009, 11:07:28 GMT-10 [4]
anyone know the correct whistle grip? i like cummin's whistle sound, mines along the lines of archers atm.
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- PINK REF'S JERSEY -- Danielle Barry, Mon, March 30 2009, 20:13:23 GMT-10 [7]
Does anyone know where I can get a Pink Ref's jersey? I would really love to buy one....
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- VIDEO REF FOR TOYOTA CUP -- Daniel Gardner, Sun, April 26 2009, 14:36:05 GMT-10 [4]
Just an idea. I've been watching the QLD cup lately and they have video ref, why doesn't the toyota cup have it. When I look at the appointments each week for the NRL and Toyota Cup, 9 times out of 10 the video ref for NRL is the evaluator for NYC. If he is there, why can't we have a video ref. the standard of footy in NYC is great, and some decisions you see are ones that would be sent upstairs if in NRL.
Thoughts everyone?
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- FORUM SHUT DOWN -- Steve Brown (ARLRA), Mon, May 11 2009, 15:53:06 GMT-10 [2]
As a result of the personal attacks and obscene comments posted recently on this forum it has now been shut down until further notice.
Steve Brown - Director ARLRA
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- INTERESTING APPOINTMENTS!!! -- Daniel, Wed, May 06 2009, 19:27:17 GMT-10 [3]
City V Country
Referees: S Hayne/G Badger
Sideline Officials: A DEVCICH/J Younis
Now, Adam Devcich is part of the multi-skilling group is he not??? hence why he is doing NRL lines, because he will evenatully end up in the centre. WHY DID THEY NOT APPOINT 2 SIDELINE OFFICIALS. If i am david abood, i would be happy with the appointment of stand-by sideline offical for the ANZAC TEST, but a bit dissapointed not to be running. I cannot understand why they appointed someone who is only running lines before he ends up in the centre.
Better yet the stand-by sideline official for CITY COUNTRY is Gavin Reynolds- another one of the multi-skilling group.
thoughts everyone?
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- Broncos versus Parramatta -- Troy, Sun, April 26 2009, 19:49:41 GMT-10 [3]
Did not get a chance to watch the Broncs and Parra on friday night, has anybody got an opinion on how suttor and i think it was Maxwell went?
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- TOYOTA CUP T/J -- Shaun, Sun, May 03 2009, 10:18:08 GMT-10 [2]
What happened to one of the touchies in the sharks roosters toyota cup match, i noticed he went off after about 15mins. Just wanted to kow who it was, and im guessing he was injured?
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- SHARKS VS COWBOYS. -- john. M, Thu, April 23 2009, 12:44:05 GMT-10 [6]
Hey guys just wondering whon on here watched the cowboys game.
1- Just after half time Luke O'Donnel from the cowboys clearly treads on the line and TJ peter kirby misses it. The touch Judges are there to put their flag up and assists the referee's and give goals. The only thing he did right this week was probably put his flag up for a goal. My opnion is to make such an error like this he should be stood down for quite a few weeks given it is a very big error and led to a change in the game with the cowboys going up the other end of the field.
2- The obstruction call by Tim Mander when Luke Covell scored for the sharks. My opinion is it was a very harsh call due to the fact i thought the cowboys player put his arms around Reni Maitua therefore it is an obstruction against the cowboys players. That is how i saw it anyway i would like to no other peoples opinions on this decision.
3- The pass from Jonathon Thurston to Luke O'Donnel for his try was clearly forward yet 4 officials couldnt see it.
4- The sharks were awarded a penalty for a high tackle where it hit him where the bicep is.
My opinion was that the 4 officials of this game were fairly inexperianced to the Nrl and robert finch should think about his pairings. Mohammed Fajajo went well calling 2 blatent forward passes but from mu point of view he was the only one who deserves a pat on the back. And chris james aswell i thought he did well.
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- Stacey Jones "Knock-on" -- Greg Pfeiffer, Sun, April 26 2009, 14:41:49 GMT-10 [5]
I am referring to the knock-on ruling aginast Stacey Jones last night that occurred right at the end.
I would be curious if anyone finds out the explanation for this ruling.
Was the ruling that it touched Jones' hand then went back onto the foot (which is not a knock-on), or that it hit the foot and then when it went forwards touched the hand (which is a knock-on).
Viweing it on tv, it appeared that the touch was before it hit the foot, and there was no clear evidence that it hit the hand after it hit the foot, so I thought it was play on.
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- Phil Haines -- James, Sun, May 03 2009, 10:16:36 GMT-10 [1]
also, i bet his glad he wasn't reffing in newcastle after watching it on tv, what a debacle.
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- TOUCH IN GOAL -- Daniel, Sat, April 11 2009, 23:57:15 GMT-10 [12]
2 similar situations occured on the weekend.
1. Roosters v Broncos- broncos dive over in the corner, clearly taking out the cornerpost, JEFF YOUNIS signals touch in goal and we get on with the game.
2. Sharks v Raiders- Sharks dive over in the corner, clearly going over the sideline and touch in goal, take your pick. yet PETER KIRBY tells the referee to check it. I think everyone at the stadium could see it was no try.
Why are we wasting time on obvious decisions. Is it because they are told to check it everytime the corner post is involved. Because i think in some cases when it is clear the touchy should make a call and get on with the game.
I tend to be thinking it comes down to experience. Jeff Younis last year's GF T/J been in NRL for a few years now, as opposed to Kirby, who is in his 2nd or 3rd year of NRL.
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- Referee pairings -- Greg Pfeiffer, Mon, April 13 2009, 20:23:03 GMT-10 [10]
It has been interesting to see the pairings each weekend. I am surprised that Ashley Klein, with no NRL experience, gets paired with a rookie (even allowing for Ashley's SuperLeague experience). I would have thought he would have been paired with someone like Steve Lyons or Matt Ceccin who have had some decent NRL experience.
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- Re: Referee pairings -- David, Tue, April 14 2009, 1:00:24 GMT-10
- Re: Referee pairings -- Frank Samyia, Wed, April 22 2009, 8:48:44 GMT-10
- Re: Referee pairings -- Troy, Wed, April 22 2009, 10:44:20 GMT-10
- Re: Referee pairings -- Greg Pfeiffer, Mon, April 27 2009, 20:25:07 GMT-10
- 2 rate forum -- chilli, Mon, April 20 2009, 20:52:10 GMT-10 [2]
to who ever admins this forum its a joke your small minds and bad attitudes toward free speech in this country have thrown you back into the dark ages
you get a bit of a bad rap and you start removing valid posts...weak....would explain 1 thing though men play league...weaklings become referees
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- Phil Haines -- Daniel, Sun, April 19 2009, 17:09:35 GMT-10 [3]
Where was Phil Haines this week, I noticed that Matt Checchin did his saturday night game, and Tony De Las Heras did Checchin's sunday game.
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- Offside at the kick -- DB, Sat, April 18 2009, 13:15:12 GMT-10 [1]
What's the onside rule with regards to a kick? Clearly in last night's Titans vs Raiders match, William Zillman and Mark Minichiello had at least one foot in front of Scott Prince when he kicked the ball, yet Phil Cooley still awarded the try.
I always thought both feet had to be behind the ball at the kick. Is this true? If so, how does a man who gets to watch countless replays of an incident still make the wrong decision?
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- CONTROL/POCKET REFEREE'S -- Daniel, Sat, April 11 2009, 1:14:27 GMT-10 [4]
Seen an incident in the Roosters/Broncos Match on friday night.
Situation- Matt Checchin is the control referee holding the 10m, Gavin Badger is the pocket referee behind the ruck, Broncos hold down roosters in the PTB, and Badger(pocket Ref) not Checchin(Control ref) blows the penalty.
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- What a difference a week makes -- Greg Pfeiffer, Mon, April 06 2009, 21:29:00 GMT-10 [3]
Last week..Raiders player holds down after a breakaway..penaly and gets put in the sin-bin.
Week later..Cowboys player holds down after a breakwaway (and against the Raiders) and it is a penalty but no sin-bin, same referee as previous week.
I wonder on the effects of being the senior ref v being the junior ref in the 2 referee situations. Does being the senior ref put more pressure on to show control of the match?
Any thoughts or other examples?
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- A quick thought -- Daniel (Joyful), Sun, March 22 2009, 11:03:46 GMT-10 [5]
Really enjoying the new 2 ref system, think the refs are doing a great job. I know its only early in the season, but thought that i would just throw it out there for your opinions?
>1. Who is the best at the moment?
>2. Who's improved the most?
>3. Best Rookie?
>4. What pairing will get SOO 1?
>5. What pairing wil get the Grand Final?
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- Chris James -- Daniel, Tue, March 31 2009, 23:45:06 GMT-10 [2]
Where is Chris James this week? Why isn't he reffing round 4 NRL???
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- BERNARD SUTTON -- Daniel, Wed, March 25 2009, 18:11:07 GMT-10 [2]
Just wondering if bernie sutton is injured? he hasn't reffed for the first few rounds so far this year. If so, when will he be back??
Also, I notice that some sideline officials are doubling up on games each week. Why doesnt the NRL put new referees on the lines, as a why of blodding them in, and then the touchies only need to do one game per week.
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- SIDELINE OFFICIALS -- Daniel, Tue, March 31 2009, 23:47:05 GMT-10 [1]
I have noticed each week that some senior sideline officials are doing 2 games each week, mostly one FRI night, then one SUN or MON. Why doesn't Mr. Finch take the opportunity to give some of the newer referees in the NRL squad ( Gavin Morris, Adam Gee etc) a line?
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- SOO REFEREES??? -- Daniel, Mon, March 30 2009, 15:59:32 GMT-10 [1]
Is there going to be 2 referee's for SOO and Test matches, or is the 2 referee system only for NRL matches.
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- INJURY DURING GAME -- Daniel, Mon, March 30 2009, 15:58:09 GMT-10 [1]
Just wondering if there are still stand-by refs for NRL matches, and if a ref gets injured will there be a stand-by ref come on, still having 2 referees, or will the other referee just finish the game by himself??
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- Pay -- JJB, Thu, March 26 2009, 18:35:50 GMT-10 [6]
How much do the top squad nrl refs get paid? if anyone knows, how much do the nsw cup and toyota cup refs get?
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- Steve Lyons -- John, Sun, March 29 2009, 21:25:24 GMT-10 [1]
Has anyone noticed what look like the letter 'N' tattooed onto both of Teddy's wrists? Whilst watching a game a couple of weeks ago I thought I saw what looked like a running-writing style tat above his left hand, but last night I was certain both wrists had 'N's above them.
Yes, this sounds strange, but I just didn't know what they were or if it was just a permanent marker job on the wrist - maybe has a special meaning to him?
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- VIDEO REF GRAPHICS -- Daniel, Sat, March 21 2009, 14:44:39 GMT-10 [2]
Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone knows why this year when it is no try by the video ref, it just says "NO TRY". In Previous it had underneath it graphics, such as "PLAY THE BALL","SCRUM","PENALTY","20 METRE RESTART","GOAL LINE DROPOUT". I think it is better the old way, as sometimes the decisions are 50-50, and if it says what the restart is when he makes his decision, people sitting at home know a bit more of what happened.
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- Pink Gear -- Daniel, Sun, March 15 2009, 23:41:34 GMT-10 [2]
Will The referees be wearing pink for evey game this season?, or was it just for every game of round one?
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- Lightning -- Johnno, Sat, March 14 2009, 23:31:52 GMT-10 [5]
I am writing to express my horror at what I saw tonight
This evening a major thunderstorm hit Sydney with massive lightning strikes all over the city. Yet onward without a second thought of the dangers this situation provides marched the Cronulla v Penrith and the Bulldogs v Manly games.
What will it take for the NRL to take this situation seriously. Will it take half a team of players to be struck by lightning and killed before the NRL does something about this ?
Most amateur sports have a lightning rule that allows play to be suspended until lightning clears away.
Why is the NRL so careless on this issue – Clearly the safety of the competitions player are paramount?
It was only 5 years ago that a local cricket player was struck & killed by lightning in an environment that was actually a long way from the centre of a thunderstorm – let alone what I saw on TV tonight where NRL matches were playing smack in the middle of areas experiencing fierce lightning and thunder. It was the death of this player that lead to all cricket in Sydney being regulated by a lightning rule.
Why is professional sport so far behind amateur sports when player safety is considered ?
Will it take one or more deaths and a mountain of lawsuits by deceased players relatives to change things ?
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- Sliding defence tackle -- Greg Pfeiffer, Mon, October 06 2008, 11:43:36 GMT-10 [5]
Michael Robertson's 2nd try I think, Billy Slater comes sliding in like a soccer player, and contacts Robertson with the studs of his boot. No action taken.
If it was soccer, it would have been classed as a "studs up tackle" and a red card would have resulted: those type of sliding tackles in soccer can break ankles.
So it was allowed to pass...I wonder if he had hit Robertson in the head instead?? Would that have been enough to raise some concern?
If you look at the first Robertson try, a similar thing happens and Slater tries to get a leg under the ball, but he basically is sliding studs and knee first into the player.
Second half, Slater slides in again knees first into the try-scorter. Luckily, only minimal contact was made.
Unfortuinately, I feel it is going to taken a serious injury to a playuer before any action is taken against these illegalities.
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- Two Refs -- Johno, Thu, November 13 2008, 11:08:29 GMT-10 [16]
I would be very interested to hear what everyone thinks about today's media reports that the NRL are set to adopt two referees on the field from next year.
It will obviously create more opportunity for referees to make it to the NRL. Do you think it is a positive step forward for the game?
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- Re: Two Refs -- Frank Samyia, Fri, November 14 2008, 18:35:01 GMT-10
- Re: Two Refs -- Ben, Sat, November 22 2008, 17:25:45 GMT-10
- Re: Two Refs -- Greg Pfeiffer, Sun, December 14 2008, 9:45:46 GMT-10
- Re: Two Refs -- Kaz, Mon, January 12 2009, 16:53:17 GMT-10
Variation on Onfield Match Officials Attire -- Craig (HAPPY OF COURSE :-)), Mon, February 23 2009, 19:03:50 GMT-10 [2]
Hi Team - looking for some advise please - perhaps more directed towards the Bush Bashers on line :-) Onfield Gear - is there ANY rule / law / directive in the bush that stipulates weather or not a CRLRA Referees Association (Groups) must wear 'stripes' or has ABILITY to move towards the 'plain' attire as for eg the ARLRA/ NRL / NSWRLRA / NSW Districts etc.
In My opinion it appears we are the only body under the ARLRA who are either 1 not adopting the new apparel or 2 Being INSTRUCTED by the CRLRA to continue to wear the 'Stripes' -
The reason Im asking is that my particular group is due for new attire and information I have is that we are abliged / under instruction to WEAR STRIPES.
Any help - feedback will be greatly appreciated.
All the best and go well on and off the field in 2009
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- Time off in the last 5 minutes -- Frank Samyia, Sun, February 22 2009, 10:48:09 GMT-10 [2]
Greetings all and welcome back for season 2009. My first suggestion for this season is to do something about the ridiculous farce that occurs towards the end of a game where players race to pack a scrum - I actually saw a situation yesterday in a junior reps game where a half back with ball in hand stuck his head into the lock forwards position before the referee blew time out.
After watching an entire season of NFL on TEN HD and after seeing this yesterday, here is my proposal, based very loosely on what happens in the NFL.
My suggestion is for the official game clock to stop automatically for every stoppage in play or everytime the ball goes out of play in the last 5 minutes of the second half. So for situations like a knock on, ball going into touch, ball kicked dead, try scored etc the clock stops automatically. The referee then waves time back on at the appropriate time. This will eliminate the scrum farce or other time wasting situations such as a goal line dropout or a kick off from a team in front. No one can then be accused of wasting time. It is only for the last 5 minutes and it won't add that much more time to the game. I do think it would help to clean up some of these ugly situations which are a blight on the game.
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- Appointments on NSWRLRA website? -- Daniel, Fri, February 20 2009, 20:57:56 GMT-10 [2]
Just wondering if anyone knows if the appointments for all grades (NRL,Toyota Cup, NSW Cup, Jnr Reps etc) will be posted on the NSWRLRA website like last year. The Junior Reps kicked off last week, and there are still the 2008 appointments on the website.
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- JUNIOR REP SQUAD -- Steve, Thu, January 29 2009, 14:47:59 GMT-10 [3]
Does anyone know the 2009 NSWRL Junior Rep Squad?
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- World Cup Final -- Daniel, Tue, October 28 2008, 19:37:12 GMT-10 [10]
Just Wondering, if Australia play England in the Rugby League World Cup Final, will Leon Williamson referee the final because he is a neutral referee or will they go for experience & use either Klein, Archer or Hayne? Who aren't neutral.
What are your thoughts?
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- Free kicks on 10m?? -- Greg Pfeiffer, Mon, February 02 2009, 5:52:07 GMT-10 [4]
Visiting Sydney teams this weekend indicated that they are playing under the 10m free-kick Law this year.
Can somebody clarify the situation??
And can somebody explain why teams know about Law changes and referees do not??
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- Victorian Bushfires -- Dave, Tue, February 10 2009, 17:37:37 GMT-10 [3]
I was just wondering, with everything that has happened down here, will the ARLRA or more importantly the NRL be doing anything for the Bushfire Relief fund?
With many sporting organisations going down that path, I was wondering if we would.
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- who is refereeing? -- Rhyss, Tue, February 03 2009, 19:08:19 GMT-10 [4]
Hey guys, i was just wondering of u could tell me who is the referee for the Souths v Tigers game at Redfern?
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- Touch football referees -- Anthony, Thu, December 18 2008, 18:00:22 GMT-10 [4]
First we had the ex-NRL players being contracted to salaries for NRL Referee Cadetships.
Now, according to what a little birdie told me, apparently Robert Finch wants to recruit referees from Touch Football and fast-track them through the grades.
And here are the rest of us at grass roots levels going through the lengthier process.
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Vale Les Matthews -- Steve Brown (ARLRA), Sat, January 03 2009, 16:19:38 GMT-10 [4]
It is with deep sadness that the ARLRA advises of the passing of one of its founding directors in Les Matthews who was also the Executive Officer of the NSWRLRA prior to the last AGM where he did not stand due to his ill health. The ARLRA extends its sincerest sympathy to his wife Bev and his family that he loved so much. He will be sadly missed by the whole of the refereeing fraternity.
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- Merry Christmas -- David, Wed, December 24 2008, 19:46:33 GMT-10 [1]
Just dropping a message wishing all referees and their families a safe and merry Christmas and a happy new year.
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- Ricky Stuart -- Ben, Mon, December 08 2008, 19:51:22 GMT-10 [3]
Just wondering if anyone had opinions on what's happened with Ricky Stuart today?
I don't really have an issue with his punishment just thought it may be interesting discussion and good to hear other peoples reasoning.
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- Goal posts -- Kate, Fri, December 12 2008, 13:11:11 GMT-10 [1]
We are currently making new goal posts are our 3 fields. Other than 16m high and 5.5m between, what should the post dimentions be?
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- RLWC08 Semi Final Referees Appointments -- Anthony, Sat, November 15 2008, 17:13:39 GMT-10 [6]
Isn't it great to see that Shayne Hayne got the jump over NRL Grand Final referee Tony Archer.
Personally, I think Hayne refereed exceptionally during this year's NRL finals series and thought we should've been appointed to his first NRL Grand Final.
He has backed it up with terrific displays in the World Cup games, hopefully if Hayne proves to be better than Ashley Klein this weekend we hope that they appoint Shayne to the Final even if Australia play (which they undoubtedly will).
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- T/J's Flags -- Sam. J (Happy), Sun, November 16 2008, 7:57:33 GMT-10 [1]
Hi there my name is Sam.J i am a a league referee in nz iim a big fan of the AAMI gear that the guys wear on t.v and i think it is great. the uniform standard is way better than the ones in NZ. infact ive got a few sets of AAMI gear of my own from my mates in oz Yellow,Orange and green and a pair of shorts that i wear for my games. But anyway i emailed to see if could possibly get a AAMI flag sent please. i can pay whatever cost into the account holder but only if that is possible?
look foward to hearing back from you.
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Touch Judge Flags -- Sam, Fri, June 13 2008, 18:54:11 GMT-10 [5]
im a local referee and i have been searching over the internet 4 hours to find a website that sells touch line flags. There is one website but the flags look dodgy. I was wondering if you as referees or any one would know where i might be able to buy a set of flags from.
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- Other Law changes -- Greg Pfeiffer, Sun, November 09 2008, 18:56:42 GMT-10 [1]
Anybody think the free-kicks 20m in has been a positive change??
Lets go back to 10m free-kicks, which can get taken much quicker than a 20m one!!
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Rules with leading with feet -- Graham Stenersen (unhappy), Mon, October 27 2008, 9:56:22 GMT-10 [1]
What is the rule when a player leads with his feet to stop an atacking player scoring a try.
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- World Cup refs/Touchies -- Daniel, Tue, September 16 2008, 17:31:15 GMT-10 [2]
Does anyone know how they are selecting referees and touchies for the upcoming world cup. Will it be predominantly officials from NRL? or NYC refs?
who is choosing the officials?
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- GRAND FINAL APPOINTMENTS -- Daniel, Wed, October 01 2008, 17:10:19 GMT-10 [3]
Can someone explain to me if Shayne Hayne(the No 2 ref) gets the Toyota Cup Grand Final, why wouldn't the two Sideline Officials who ran Preliminary Finals last week but missed out on the NRL Grand Final get the Toyota Cup aswell. Matt Checchin and Paul Holland had been running every week of the finals, then to not even get a game on Grand Final Day, I would be a bit annoyed!
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- SHAYNE HAYNE FOR GRAND FINAL! -- Steve, Sun, September 28 2008, 19:30:39 GMT-10 [4]
I am hoping this year will see a "changing of the guard" with Shayne Hayne refereeing his first grand final.
With all due repect to Archer, who has had a good season, I beleive his markers were poor and some penalties left alot to be desired.
While Shayne certainly made some mistakes, I would say, that overall in comparison of boths games over the two days, Shayne would be favourite for the big game.
Your thoughts?
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- Anthony Quinn tackle/Misi Taulapapa punch -- Jack, Mon, September 29 2008, 12:04:11 GMT-10 [2]
I was wondering what others think of Tony Archers handling of the Anthony Quinn tackle and Misi Taulapapa punch on Friday night.
I personally believe that Tony screwed it up by not awarding a penalty to either side. In my view, if a player punches another player you cannot ignore it, you must give a penalty. However, in this situation I think that the penalty should’ve been given to Cronulla for the tackle by Quinn. It doesn’t matter whether Anthony Quinn knew that the ball had been grounded, the fact is that it had been, and so Misi should never have got tackled.
So there are a few issues:
Was the Anthony Quinn tackle legal? If yes, why didn’t Cronulla get penalised for the punch thrown, and perhaps sinbinned/sent off for a completely unjustified punch? If no, (perhaps then, Misi had justification) why was Quinn not penalised? OR is the answer “Its football!” and Tony Archer was completely right in just ignoring it and having the goal line drop out.
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- Steve Lyons -- Daniel, Thu, September 25 2008, 21:07:11 GMT-10 [2]
I was just wondering your thoughts on Steve Lyons, since he has returned to first grade, I think he has been exceptional.
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- What whistle do the Refs use? -- Oli, Mon, September 22 2008, 21:56:42 GMT-10 [4]
Just wondering what whistles it is that the NRL referee's use?
Thanks a lot,
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- ??? -- John, Thu, August 28 2008, 12:19:10 GMT-10 [6]
With the current GREG BIRD saga unfolding, i want to pose a question. If a referee was in a similiar position(did something illegal and went to jail, or juvenile detention etc.) What would be the outcome...suspension, accreditation stripped off them???
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- Tony De Les Heras -- Nathan, Sun, March 23 2008, 14:47:50 GMT-10 [11]
Hey guys i thought Tony De Les Heras refreed very well and controlled the game very well and his rulings were excellant what are your opinions
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- Send-offs and sin-bins -- Greg Pfeiffer, Sat, September 06 2008, 0:16:51 GMT-10 [8]
Does anyone else see some inconsistency in the NRL whereby a professional foul will have a player off the field for 10 minutes but an act of foul play only gets a player on report??
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- Tony ARCHER -- Daniel, Sat, September 13 2008, 12:53:02 GMT-10 [4]
What are everyone's thoughts on Archers performance last night?
I thought he had an average game, his 10m was terrible at times, both teams were offside all game, and he didnt penalise very often. It ruined the game in my opinion. There was also some general rulings which i thought he may have got wrong watching live, i have to see the replay yet.
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- Finals week 1 performances -- John, Mon, September 15 2008, 19:38:18 GMT-10 [3]
What did you think of the performances from the weekend?
I didn't see all of the games, however, I thought Maxwell did quite well.
Any thoughts on who will get a run next week?
I would like to see Maxwell and Hayne get the games, but Archer will probably get in
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- RULING? -- John, Wed, September 10 2008, 10:50:43 GMT-10 [5]
If Team A put an attacking kick into the in goal, and the chasers are ruled to be offside, where is the penalty?
and also,
If in the same instance if Team A puts an attacking kick into the in goal, and a defender is taken out in the in goals trying to get the ball, where is the penalty?
Now, my reason for asking is, i seen both of these things happen in a Toyota Cup Match recently, and on both occasions the referee awarded the penalty on the tryline. Now the 2nd time he did it the T/J told him to go out to the 10m line. How can someone who is graded get it wrong, and what example is it setting if we, as young referees go to these football games, expecting to learn something from these referees, and yet we pickup on their mistakes!
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- SEMI FINAL OFFICIALS -- Daniel, Wed, September 10 2008, 1:03:10 GMT-10 [2]
Roosters Vs Broncos
Referee: Tony Archer (YELLOW)
Sideline Officials: David Abood/Steve Chiddy
Video Referees: Bill Harrigan/Tim Mander
Stand-by Referee: Sean Hampstead
Stand-by Sideline Official: Tony De Las Heras
Sharks Vs Raiders
Referee: Jared Maxwell (ORANGE)
Sideline Officials: Jeff YOunis/Russell Turner
Video Referees: Steve Clark/Russell Smith
Stand-by Referee: Steve Lyons
Stand-by Sideline Official: Peter Kirby
Manly Vs Dragons
Referee: Shayne Hayne (YELLOW)
Sideline Officials: Matt Checchin/Steve Carrall
Video Referees: Paul Simpkins/Chris Ward
Stand-by Referee: Ben Cummins
Stand-by Sideline Official: Dan Eastwood
Storm Vs Warriors
Referee: Jason Robinson (ORANGE)
Sideline Officials: Bernard Sutton/Paul Holland
Video Referees: Phil Cooley/Graeme West
Stand-by Referee: Gavin Badger
Stand-by Sideline Official: Rod Lawrence
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- NRL SEMIS -- Daniel, Tue, September 02 2008, 0:28:54 GMT-10 [6]
with the semi finals just around the corner i have a few questions to pose.
1. Who will be the 4 NRL Semi referees?
2. Who is currently No 1 referee?
my answers would be
1. Tony Archer, Shayne Hayne, Sean Hampstead and Jarrad Maxwell/Ben Cummins(not sure who would get the nod).
2. I think Tony Archer is still at the top. No one has done enough this year to prove otherwise.
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