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Date Posted: Sat, November 15 2008, 14:23:44 GMT-10
Author: Sam.J (Happy)
Subject: Re: Touch Judge Flags
In reply to: Matthew Hall 's message, "Re: Touch Judge Flags" on Mon, June 16 2008, 18:38:01 GMT-10

>>A Suggestion for ARLRA/NSWRLRA.
>>Admittadly, there is a lack of available quality
>>Sideline Official Flags. The best and olny decent
>>flags ive seen of late are used by NRL and Grade, with
>>AAMI on them.
>>Perhaps, there could be an agreement reached between
>>the manufacturer and a referee body (NSWRLRA/ARLRA) to
>>have a large amount of these flags manufactured at a
>>discounted rate, and subsequently sold and distributed
>>to relevant associations accross Australia?
>>What are your thoughts?
>The guy who makes the red AAMI flags also makes a
>yellow version (with no red or blue borders) for the
>Manly Referees Ive purchased a set thru thru the guys
>up there let me know and I can get you the details
>The flags are top quality also KAMS (if you google it)
>make the flags as well and they make a great set of
>sticks too
>drop me a line
>my address is avaiable by clicking on my name.

Hi there my name is Sam.J i am a a league referee in nz iim a big fan of the AAMI gear that the guys wear on t.v and i think it is great. the uniform standard is way better than the ones in NZ. infact ive got a few sets of AAMI gear of my own from my mates in oz Yellow,Orange and green and a pair of shorts that i wear for my games. But anyway i emailed to see if could possibly get a AAMI flag sent please. i can pay whatever cost into the account holder but only if that is possible?
look foward to hearing back from you.

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