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Date Posted: Sun, December 14 2008, 9:44:01 GMT-10
Author: Greg Pfeiffer
Subject: Re: Ricky Stuart
In reply to: dan 's message, "Re: Ricky Stuart" on Wed, December 10 2008, 10:35:08 GMT-10

Any person who watched the game would have realised that the Australian team played badly, and was out enthused by the NZ team. The loss was due to a poor performance on the day, clearly and simply. It must be hard to accept that you failed, however that is the role of the professional sportsman and that is why they get paid so highly. They are meant to act in a professional way at all times.

Ricky Stuart and the Australian team failed to act in a professional way both on the field duuring the final, and in the days afterwards. They were bitter, sore losers. Their actions were churlish and unprofessional.

Ricky Stuart's actions - described by his supportes as being due to passion - were not the actions of a professioanl coach. They were the actions of an angry man, angry with himself mostly I guess, and unable to accept that he and his team failed. Blaming the officals and engaging in the level of confrontation that he did reflected poorly on Ricky and the whole team, and cast the Austalians as a nation of sore losers.

I do believe that it is appropriate that Ricky resigned. His belated apology to the officials lacks sincerity.

What Ricky's actions did do is have the media talking about Ricky, and not the woeful performance of the Australian team in the final.

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