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Date Posted: 21:23:19 10/29/06 Sun
Author: Sara
Subject: >>
In reply to: Jon 's message, ">>" on 21:04:15 10/29/06 Sun

It had been a long time since she'd had a comforting pair of arms around her- long before she was with James- he had never comforted her- not really. She seemed to melt into his hold, her face burried against his jacket, her arms still encircling her knees tightly though she was leant into him, taking comfort from feeling someone cared. Her sobs quietened as he spoke, her breathing calming a little until she finally lifted her head and let her soft hazel eyes lock onto his, slightly reddened from crying, though her light make up hadn't run and she still looked presentable- if a little upset. "I'm so tired of being all alone... and I don't mean James." She wiped at her tears a little, dropping her gaze sadly as she looked down at her dress "I'm so tired of being treated like I'm nothing." To her father she was just a chain keeping him attatched to the house he hated, to the woman he was trying to forget- she was merely stopping him from living his life- leftover baggage from a trip he'd rather put behind him and forget. To James she was just something pretty to outlet his desires into and show off, brag about, own. "I'm not nothing... and I don't deserve to be alone... It wasn't my fault that she died.... Its not my fault that I exist." Her silky blonde hair curtained her face, her voice a soft but convincing whisper, choked with tears as she spilled her fears and hurts to him.

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