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Date Posted: 19:57:39 02/24/07 Sat
Author: Jon
Subject: >>
In reply to: Sara 's message, ">>" on 13:01:50 02/20/07 Tue

Jon didn't trust himself not to touch or kiss Sara either, so he stayed seated, keeping still. And he wouldn't agree if she told him she didn't think the writing important. Because he did. He had just gotten so caught up with what had been happening the past few days. He smiled slightly and nodded. Yeah i thought of that earlier, it wouldn't probably make things easier if we did." He said, speaking of their numbers. He gave another small smile as she spoke again. "No, you really shouldn't be, but you're already here so might as well stay." Jon just didn't want her to leave. He liked being around her, even if they weren't supposed to be around eachother like this here at school. He took out his cell phone, placing it on his desk and sliding it over to her. "Here, put your number in my phone." He told her, he'd call her after school to find out what time she wanted him to come over and such. His green eyes glanced at the door continuously and he strained his ears to hear anybody that might be out in the halls. Thankfully the tile and closed in walls created a loud echo so even the smallest sound could be heard up and down the hall. And almost all the female teachers wore heels and the clicking sound they made against the tile could be heard easily. Jon looked back to Sara, taking his phone from her when she was done. He kept having the urge to talk about tonight or last night with her, but he didn't want to chance it. So his mind clung to the first thing that came to it. "You know your friends might want to beg you to tutor them. Ashley ad Steffani are coming close to failing this class and I don't think they even know it." He told her. He didn't understand how she could be friends with girls like them. Sara was so much more mature and deep than them. And she was a good student.

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