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Date Posted: 07:49:34 09/16/05 Fri
Author: Ashley
Subject: She flipped her head over, drying her hair with the towel before she looked over to him with a slight shrug. "It was...long. I guess some of the blood tests came back questionable so they took some more. I felt bad because she was crying so hard when they were taking the blood but then the doc gave her a little stuffed dog that she's been holding onto since then..." She shrugged again, running her fingers through her long hair. "They are supposed to call in the next couple of days with the results." With that she headed in to put the towel away in the laundry hamper before coming back in to settle with one leg beneath her in the corner of the couch, reaching for the remote.
In reply to: Ashley 's message, "
You tell me that you love me so
You tell me that you care
But baby when I need you most...
Your never there
on 09:31:22 09/15/05 Thu

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  • He let out a sigh and ran a hand down over his face. He felt like the crappiest father in the world right now... he should have been there with her. "I should have been there... " There was no excusing it really... no matter what was going on at work. Right now he just wanted to get out of here, go and forget. He reached for his cell, checking for text messages and finding one from Niki, to which he replied without thinking. -- Marc, 13:12:44 09/16/05 Fri
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