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Date Posted: 15:51:14 10/06/05 Thu
Author: Marc
Subject: He lifted the tiny little girl up into his arms easily, a little shocked to be greeted so warmly by his girlfriend- if it were the other way around he;d be throwing a fit. He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath of her sweet scent, hugging her small frame close to him as he burried his face in her neck, hugging his little girl close to his side. "I'm sorry..." And he was... he felt such immense guilt right now that he was half tempted to just spill it all out to her.
In reply to: Marc 's message, "
Been all about the world
ain't never met a girl
that can take the things that you've been through
on 15:43:38 10/06/05 Thu

>It was fairly early still... only around 4.30pm and
>he'd hurried home from the office- the guilt just
>getting too much for him. He was dying to see Jessie
>and wanting to reassure Ash that he hadn't disappeared
>into a black hole- but she would probably rather he
>had... especially if she knew where he'd been last
>night. Things at the office had been kind of
>uncomfortable- not really with Niki but with everyone
>else. He felt like everyone knew something had gone on
>between them- the heat and electricity between them
>had to be noticable. It had been a releif to get away
>from there in all honesty, but now he was opening up
>the front door of his apartment he felt a little
>sickened by himself- and what he'd done. He'd never
>been made to be a player.

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  • She had just been worried and scared for him, unsure of what might have happened to him and currently living in denial that he could have been with another woman. "Are you alright?" Her brow furrowed, looking up at him with obvious concern. Her hand drifted up to run over his jaw affectionately - at least Niki had been thoughtful enough to not leave any marks on his skin - not wanting to give him away to easily to his girlfriend. Jessie smiled brightly, she had been a bit sick and crying the night before and that morning with Marc not coming home and her doctors appointments and all but she seemed happy now. (NT) -- Ash, 15:54:25 10/06/05 Thu
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