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Date Posted: 08:15:52 10/07/05 Fri
Author: Marc
Subject: He set his jaw and ran a hand over his head stressed, beginning to realise just how fucked up all of this shit was...and it was all his own fault. He;d spent years looking for Ash only to screw up and lose her now. "I know... things have been shit for weeks... work is just choas... im home late every night... I missed jessies appointment witht he doctors... I just... i don't think I'm cut out for this. Maybe its for the best...."
In reply to: Marc 's message, "
Been all about the world
ain't never met a girl
that can take the things that you've been through
on 15:43:38 10/06/05 Thu

>It was fairly early still... only around 4.30pm and
>he'd hurried home from the office- the guilt just
>getting too much for him. He was dying to see Jessie
>and wanting to reassure Ash that he hadn't disappeared
>into a black hole- but she would probably rather he
>had... especially if she knew where he'd been last
>night. Things at the office had been kind of
>uncomfortable- not really with Niki but with everyone
>else. He felt like everyone knew something had gone on
>between them- the heat and electricity between them
>had to be noticable. It had been a releif to get away
>from there in all honesty, but now he was opening up
>the front door of his apartment he felt a little
>sickened by himself- and what he'd done. He'd never
>been made to be a player.

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  • He shrugged a little, his brow furrowed. "Well you need to decide soon, its not fair you holding onto her when she could be out meeting other people..." He pursed his lips, watching his cousin. "You need to tell her, soon, very soon as in today or tomorrow, Marc. Otherwise she is going to find out from someone else and thats going to hurt her a hell of a lot more." He shrugged, looking down at his shoes for a second. "I need to go, you should get back to Jessie, tell Ash I said bye." (NT) -- Kier, 01:42:38 10/08/05 Sat
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