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Date Posted: 01:46:48 10/08/05 Sat
Author: Marc
Subject: He set his jaw at that, lowering his gaze as he ran a hand over his head to his neckl in a nervous fashion.... it wound him up when Kier mentioned her seeing other guys... he didn;t like that thought at all. He was right though- he had to face upto what he'd done.... and sooner would be better than later. "See ya man..." He backed away fromt he car and leant back against the wall, letting out a heavy breath as he watched his cousin drive away, hesitating a few more moments before heading upstairs to his family.
In reply to: Marc 's message, "
Been all about the world
ain't never met a girl
that can take the things that you've been through
on 15:43:38 10/06/05 Thu

>It was fairly early still... only around 4.30pm and
>he'd hurried home from the office- the guilt just
>getting too much for him. He was dying to see Jessie
>and wanting to reassure Ash that he hadn't disappeared
>into a black hole- but she would probably rather he
>had... especially if she knew where he'd been last
>night. Things at the office had been kind of
>uncomfortable- not really with Niki but with everyone
>else. He felt like everyone knew something had gone on
>between them- the heat and electricity between them
>had to be noticable. It had been a releif to get away
>from there in all honesty, but now he was opening up
>the front door of his apartment he felt a little
>sickened by himself- and what he'd done. He'd never
>been made to be a player.

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  • By the time he got up there she was setting the table for dinner - well Jessie was helping but laying out the silverware, asking if she should set one for Daddy. Ash smiled and told her yes before she looked up to see Marc come in. "Everything alright?" She questioned, her head tipped to the side - Kier had been acting funny and Marc just had been off all day... (NT) -- Ash, 01:50:21 10/08/05 Sat
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