Date Posted:14:37:48 10/14/05 Fri Author: Marc Subject: Eventually he emmerged from the room, casting her a quiet glance before retuning to his seat at the table, staring down at the table a moment before glancing back upto her, watching her with a deep look of regret and resolve in his eyes. In reply to:
's message, "
>It was fairly early still... only around 4.30pm and
>he'd hurried home from the office- the guilt just
>getting too much for him. He was dying to see Jessie
>and wanting to reassure Ash that he hadn't disappeared
>into a black hole- but she would probably rather he
>had... especially if she knew where he'd been last
>night. Things at the office had been kind of
>uncomfortable- not really with Niki but with everyone
>else. He felt like everyone knew something had gone on
>between them- the heat and electricity between them
>had to be noticable. It had been a releif to get away
>from there in all honesty, but now he was opening up
>the front door of his apartment he felt a little
>sickened by himself- and what he'd done. He'd never
>been made to be a player.