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Date Posted: 16:05:07 08/16/06 Wed
Author: Marc
Subject: He had pretty much pulled her down into his lap anyway as she had stumbled, fighting until he was shaking against the tears. His hands framed Ashleys face almost desperately, pushing her honey blonde hair back from her face before merely crushing her to his chest in a desperate embrace, tears streaming from his raw, dark eyes, silent sobs raking through his well built, muscled form as his arms locked around his ex, burrying his face in her hair, rocking the pair of them in search of any comfort he could find. No one could understand his loss except her- the woman that he loved and had loved since he was fifteen years old.
In reply to: Ashley 's message, "
So hate me today
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you
on 15:27:35 08/16/06 Wed

>She had gotten the news five hours ago but she had
>been driving when she got the call on her cell phone
>and had to pull over. It taken her almost two hours to
>just be able to drive again and then she'd had to go
>to the hospital to sign some papers and talk to the
>doctors and she had been told by Brandy that Marc had
>left without saying a word to anyone as soon as they
>were told. It had scared her, thinking he was out
>there as emotional as he was so she had driven around
>for awhile to all his old haunts and whatnot, just to
>make sure he wasn't there before she finally came to
>his apartment. She hadn't been there since the night
>she left but she just didn't think she could face
>going home to where all of Jessie's things were, her
>room, her toys, all the pictures she had colored,
>everything...she needed to be with Marc. She could
>hardly breathe still, her hands were shaking, her eyes
>were red and swollen and she couldn't even get the key
>in the door till the second try and only then was she
>able to push the door open to reveal that the
>apartment was completely dark. Stepping in, she
>dropped the keys carelessly to the floor and closed
>the door, blocking out the little bit of light that
>had been flooding in. "Marc?" She called out, her
>voice shaky and hesitant. She felt like her body was
>going to stop working for her any second.

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  • So much time went past with them crying in each others arms that she was sure it had to have been hours that passed with no words spoken between the two. Finally though, when she could cry no more for that moment, she lifted her head, her tiny hands coming up to brush over his cheeks as she gazed at him with red, swollen, tear stained eyes. "She was perfect." She stated softly, her jaw set as she swallowed against the thick knot in her throat. "And..and I am trying to just be glad that we had for as long as we did..you know? Thats what the counselor tried telling me before I left..." She shook her head, closing her eyes as she tried to brace herself against the pain that was threatening to overwhelm her. "I need you..I can't...I can't do this...any of this, without you Marc." (NT) -- Ash, 16:15:56 08/16/06 Wed
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