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Date Posted: 16:15:56 08/16/06 Wed
Author: Ash
Subject: So much time went past with them crying in each others arms that she was sure it had to have been hours that passed with no words spoken between the two. Finally though, when she could cry no more for that moment, she lifted her head, her tiny hands coming up to brush over his cheeks as she gazed at him with red, swollen, tear stained eyes. "She was perfect." She stated softly, her jaw set as she swallowed against the thick knot in her throat. "And..and I am trying to just be glad that we had for as long as we did..you know? Thats what the counselor tried telling me before I left..." She shook her head, closing her eyes as she tried to brace herself against the pain that was threatening to overwhelm her. "I need you..I can't...I can't do this...any of this, without you Marc."
In reply to: Ashley 's message, "
So hate me today
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you
on 15:27:35 08/16/06 Wed

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  • Marcs own tears had dried up a little, though they still lingered in his dark eyes. Dawn was beginning to filter through the clouds , giving a pinky red morning spreading light in through the skylight of the penthouse apartment. His fingers played with her blonde hair soothingly, brushing it back from her face, twirling silken strands around his index finger. "I'm not going anywhere baby" his voice was gruff anf almost strained from his greif and lack of use, a tight knot in his throat still threatening to suffocate him. "You'll never be without me." He stated absently, though it was true- eve if she could get by without him- he couldnt get by without her. Every day since she'd left him had been spent wishing she was back here, pleading with her to be back here, thinking about her night and day. "I'm sorry I couldn;t save her..." He murmered... he'd given his own organs to help her live and it still hadn;t been enough. -- Marc, 16:25:41 08/16/06 Wed
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