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Date Posted: 16:40:14 08/16/06 Wed
Author: Ash
Subject: She shook her head, resting it against his shoulder as she drew his arms around her waist, watching the sun appear through the large windows. "You saved her so that we could have the time with her that we did..." She murmured softly, her hand covering his over her stomach. "It feels like...everything should be stopped, you know? Like the sun shouldn't be coming up and everyone should just...feel like we do." She sniffled a little, her eyes closed as she rested against his broad form. "I haven't even told anyone yet, I cant'...I just can't say it...it doesn't seem real.." She hated the fact that they had been seperated from Marc for the last few months of their daughters life but there was nothing she could do about that now...
In reply to: Ashley 's message, "
So hate me today
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you
on 15:27:35 08/16/06 Wed

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  • He rested his head back against the wall as he watched the run rise slowly, it seemed like the lull of nothingness after a long and raging storm. He felt numb and empty and helpless and he didn;t know what to do or what to say. He didn;t know what to do next... how do you carry on after something like this? How do you start over? "What happens now?" He murmered quietly. He knew what technically happened now... paper work and counselling and the funeral... but then what? There seemed to be nothing left. He missed her already, and he knew neither him or Ash would ever be the same again. He wound his arms tight around her and burried his face in her soft hair, swallowing heavily as he just concentrated on breathing. -- Marc, 11:10:35 08/17/06 Thu
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