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Hehe, yeah... -- Selphie, 21:17:26 05/21/01 Mon (
Oh well, what's 2 minutes? Besides, it allows me to vent!
People like him (or indeed her), think that "hahahaaaaa yoo haev no lief outtsid teh net, yoo r so sad haha lol roflmao" is an extremely sophisticated insult and proves that they themself have a superb social life and are not addicted to the net in any way.
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Good point -- chichi, 18:28:22 05/22/01 Tue (
>Oh well, what's 2 minutes?
>Besides, it allows me to vent!
>People like him (or indeed her), think that
>"hahahaaaaa yoo haev no lief outtsid teh net, yoo r so
>sad haha lol roflmao" is an extremely sophisticated
>insult and proves that they themself have a superb
>social life and are not addicted to the net in any
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what are you on about it only takes 30 seconds to make a post -- gay, 18:53:14 05/22/01 Tue (
i only check this board once a day and make fun of sad people like you
>I'm also 15 and enjoy the net.
>Does that mean I have no life? I think not.
>You know, it's kind of ironic that you're going on
>about how sad C.S.73 for supposedly having no life
>outside the 'net, when quite clearly YOU spend a fair
>proportion of your time on here.
>Also, those a pretty damned shoddy insults. First of
>all, a lisp. Oh dear me NO! I'd be sooo insulted if
>anyone said that to me! And I think I'd just go kill
>myself straight away because having a lisp would make
>ANY sensible person run a mile. Snappy dressers huh?
>All depends on your opinion there! And last, "ugly"?
>Well I'd say a hell of a lot more ugly than any
>physical appearence could be is someone like you who
>spends their time insulting some who lives hundreds,
>possibly thousands of miles away. I sincerely hope
>you're not older than 12, otherwise I'd be quite
>Bleedin' Hell, did I really just waste two whole
>minutes of my time replying to you?
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Yeah, of course... -- Selphie, 19:26:23 05/22/01 Tue (
Yeah, it only takes 30 seconds to make crappy insults like the drivel you type.
Yes, look at me, I'm so sad. I sit on my computer all day and I never go outside. I have no friends. In school, I am one of those "computer geeks" who gets bullied and sits in the library talking about maths equations and the good old days of dungeons and dragons. I've never tried alcohol, that's naughty.
Pffft, if you really believe that then YOU'RE the sad one. :P
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Just out of curiosity... -- Elric, 19:01:32 05/23/01 Wed (
I was just wondering what's wrong with talking about math and D&D. It just so happens that math is my best subject in school, and I've been playing D&D for the past three or four years. I spend a lot of time reading, and I am considered to be a computer geek by most of the people that know me. I spend most of my time inside, but only because I live in the middle of nowhere and there's nothing to do here. I do have friends, and I tried alcohol when I was 13, but I didn't like it. I spend a lot of time in front of the computer, but that's mostly when I'm writing. I don't get bullied because I'm not a scrawny wimp (I'm 6'2" and weigh 220 lbs). I also have glasses that are about an inch thick and obscure about a third of my face. Without them, I can only see something clearly if it's less than two feet away. I know a lot of that is awfully convenient, but I swear it's the truth.
I'm not offended or anything, I was just wondering if you knew any of that.
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Guess I put that across wrong. -- Selphie, 23:25:52 05/23/01 Wed (
Absolutely nothing at all. I was merely describing the common stereotype of so-called "Computer Geeks". Many people think that if you enjoy computers or indeed any of the other things listed, then you automatically fall into the other categories too. There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking/being any of the things listed! Indeed, I like some of them too.
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Relax -- Elric, 04:43:22 05/24/01 Thu (
That's okay. I don't have a problem with being called a geek or a nerd, because I know I am. On top of everthing I mentioned earlier, I wear plaid button-down shirts and slacks every day, I comb my hair to the side and keep it about two or three inches long, I write, I draw, and I hate almost any sport that requires vigorous physical activity. If that isn't a nerd, I'd like to know what is.
Anyway, on an almost unrelated topic; did you get my e-mail?
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Nicely said :) -- Selphie, 10:48:03 05/24/01 Thu (
I don't know what "category" I'd fit into, mainly because I hate the whole idea of everyone having to be classified. I love loads of stuff to do with computers and I hate sport. Who REALLY wants to run 3 miles in the middle of winter freezing their ass off and being shouted at be some evil teacher?! But also, I don't stay in all the time. I like going out with friends, sometimes we drink alcohol, sometimes we don't.
Don't worry about whoever impersonated you. I'm sure voy has an I.P check thingy. I'll see if I can find out who it is. I'm sure we'll all discover it's "gay". You know what they say about people who talk to themselves... ;)
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Re: Alcohol? -- cloud_strife_73, 02:23:10 05/26/01 Sat (
er, alcohol? i guess its different over in scotland, but here its illegal for folks under 21. people say its good, but i've only had a taste of vodka, i think and X_X that sh*t is gross! they say the taste buds become more acclimated to alcohol with age, so maybe later i'll like it(of course, in moderation)
and ill never smoke because it kills your lungs. *boos ppl in my class who smoke*
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Yeah.. hehe -- Selphie, 22:25:12 05/26/01 Sat (
To legally drink it in Scotland you've got to be 18, but we do it sometimes anyway. I like the taste and it's good to help you relax sometimes when you're out with your friends. I also hate smoking though, never have smoked, never will. I don't drink because it's "cool" or whatever, as I say, I do it because it's fun sometimes.
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hmm souns like a lot of people suck up to you in your school cloud... -- Wayne, 19:39:05 05/25/01 Fri (
well in my school things are different, its kind of like a class war half the people are smart and the other half are the morons with noone in between
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Re: hold up! -- gay, 20:44:09 05/27/01 Sun (
you aren't considered cool, you're used by kids who want something for cheap. GEEK GEEK HAHAHA DORK
and i could beat YOUR ass you wuss, you never even go outside you vitamin D deficient bag of flesh and bones who couldn't throw a punch to save his dorky dad's life
you haven't got a girlfriend and you never will for at LEAST 8 reasons because 1) you're a wuss, 2) you're gay, or unknowingly gay, 3) your the biggest geek ever and you're broadcasting geek rays across the entire galaxy, 4) you're a pushover, 5) you can't make a comeback worth shit, 6) play video games all the time, 7) you're small, 8) you're feminine
the fact is you're a wimp, a real freak, you wont be the boss of anyone because you're a pushover and lisp and daren't talk to anyone because you can't get your voice over 9 decibals
I bet your parents hate you for being a geek rather than being a top football player. they should disown you, and bet they want to but just feel sorry for you
>um, excuse me but the last time i checked i did not
>have a twin impersonating me, and i actually knew how
>to spell. damnit if you're going to try and
>impersonate me at least do it right.
>I don't care if you think i am a computer geek,
>because i am. I like maximum pc, i like playing video
>games/writing all the time, i'll play D&D as long as i
>dont have to be the dungeon master all the time, and
>i tend to stay inside all summer.(you would too if it
>was 90+ degrees and tons of mosquitos outside.) But i
>like wrestling,and playing football on occasion. And i
>could beat your ass if i had to.
>In my school, we comp geeks are cool, since we own
>cd-rw drives and can get ppl cd's for a fraction of
>the cost. plus they realize we'll eventually be the
>boss of them one day.
>all i did was try to get you to stop picking on
>pheonix. and you go off on me like you did? who do you
>thik is the bigger person: you or me?
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What crap -- Selphie, 20:51:51 05/27/01 Sun (
I can't be bothered wasting my time insulting you back, you're not worth it. But basically that's one of the biggest piles of toss I've ever heard, and CS73 knows better than to pay attention to your terrible (and poorly thought out) insults.
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well maybe we should let him speak for himself ya never know he may like to listen to crap -- Wayne, 01:53:20 05/30/01 Wed (
>I can't be bothered wasting my
>time insulting you back, you're not worth it. But
>basically that's one of the biggest piles of toss I've
>ever heard, and CS73 knows better than to pay
>attention to your terrible (and poorly thought out)
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so poorly thought out that you couldn't make a reply worth shit -- gay, 20:05:39 05/30/01 Wed (
>I can't be bothered wasting my
>time insulting you back, you're not worth it. But
>basically that's one of the biggest piles of toss I've
>ever heard, and CS73 knows better than to pay
>attention to your terrible (and poorly thought out)
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anyway. -- Cloud_strife_73(J.C.), 01:20:26 06/03/01 Sun (
>>I can't be bothered wasting my
>>time insulting you back, you're not worth it. But
>>basically that's one of the biggest piles of toss I've
>>ever heard, and CS73 knows better than to pay
>>attention to your terrible (and poorly thought out)
Very true, erin. I am not going to insult this pathetic waste of oxygen because he is not worth it. I will clear up assertions made by him, however
1) I am not a wuss. I never have been. Just because I like computers dosen't mean that.
2)I am not a geek. i played football, but realized it was stupid several years ago to try and hit ppl over and over. and rugby is better anyways.
3)You think that because i dont get out much over the summer, im weak. i excercise reg. plus i have band camp for two weeks (playing stupid bass/cool snare drum), plus i go to a military school so i don't really get out of shape
4)please. don't make me laugh i could kick your ass with my eyes closed if i wanted.
*end of ranting*
Oh, erin, nice pics. Even thouh they are a bit blurry. the 3rd link dosent work btw.
J.C. (a.k.a. cloud_strife_73) , who will not try to defend anyone from now on.
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I could absolutley thrash you, you big wuss -- gay, 09:54:30 06/12/01 Tue (
>>>I can't be bothered wasting my
>>>time insulting you back, you're not worth it. But
>>>basically that's one of the biggest piles of toss
>>>ever heard, and CS73 knows better than to pay
>>>attention to your terrible (and poorly thought out)
>Very true, erin. I am not going to insult this
>pathetic waste of oxygen because he is not worth it. I
>will clear up assertions made by him, however
>1) I am not a wuss. I never have been. Just because I
>like computers dosen't mean that.
>2)I am not a geek. i played football, but realized it
>was stupid several years ago to try and hit ppl over
>and over. and rugby is better anyways.
>3)You think that because i dont get out much over the
>summer, im weak. i excercise reg. plus i have band
>camp for two weeks (playing stupid bass/cool snare
>drum), plus i go to a military school so i don't
>really get out of shape
>4)please. don't make me laugh i could kick your ass
>with my eyes closed if i wanted.
>*end of ranting*
>Oh, erin, nice pics. Even thouh they are a bit blurry.
>the 3rd link dosent work btw.
>J.C. (a.k.a. cloud_strife_73) , who will not try to
>defend anyone from now on.
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BULLSHIT -- c.s.73, 21:39:09 06/16/01 Sat (
took you a while to reply didnt it dumbass?
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Oh yay! It's a game of "my balls are bigger than your balls". -- Selphie, 00:36:15 06/17/01 Sun (
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yeah cos some of us have lives, wuss -- gay, 21:49:43 06/17/01 Sun (
>took you a while to reply didnt it dumbass?
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im not the one who started this whole damn thing with my close-mindedness, now was i -- c.s. 73, 23:52:48 06/17/01 Sun (
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Indeed -- Selphie, 23:31:33 05/30/01 Wed (
That wasn't an attempt at an insult, I was merely stating the truth. I don't give a damn if people insult me, especially people like you who know naff-all about me. I know you weren't insulting me there, but CS73. However, I'm just saying that if you MUST insult people, at least think of something original, unlike "U R GAY! HAHAHAHA! U R A GEEK! Oh ho ho, I'm sooooo funnney and witty!!"
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you're missing the golden rule of insulting people -- gay, 13:57:26 06/02/01 Sat (
it's not the originality of the insults, it's wether they actually apply to the person i'm insulting you mortal
phoenix is gay, and types gay and is just, well, dumb!
cs73 is just a weakling and a nerd
what, do you want me to insult phoenix for not being able to comprehend the fact that the missing books of the bible (ie, Judith) are folklore, and were abandoned by jews in an attempt to crush the myths of beasts who can qabalistically raise themselves from soil?
>That wasn't an attempt at an
>insult, I was merely stating the truth. I don't give a
>damn if people insult me, especially people like you
>who know naff-all about me. I know you weren't
>insulting me there, but CS73. However, I'm just saying
>that if you MUST insult people, at least think of
>something original, unlike "U R GAY! HAHAHAHA! U R A
>GEEK! Oh ho ho, I'm sooooo funnney and witty!!"
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Yeah, that's more like it. :P -- Selphie, 14:37:20 06/02/01 Sat (
Ahh, but since this is the Internet, you don't have a clue what any of the people are like, therefore your insults are rendered obsolete before you even begin. But if you feel you must continue to insult people, you can at least do something a little bit different!
Oh, and you say Phoenix types "gay"? You're not so great yourself. There is a shift key which enables you to put capitals in where they're required (ie. at the start of a sentence). Use it. :p
Have a nice day. You know, I think I like you. >:)
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heh... -- Wayne, 21:50:31 06/02/01 Sat (
elphie your beginning to sound like inky and me although ive never actually said it. hey dont make fun of people who dont use the shift key its like how that author ee cummings who never used capital letters in his books, its revolutionary.
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Lol! My apologies if I caused offense. It will not happen again. :) -- Selphie, 22:52:50 06/03/01 Sun (
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